Eighth ~Awkward

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In the Yamada household, the Yamada siblings, Osana Najimi and Budo Masuta were sitting with text books, pieces of papers, pens, pencils and note books are out in the open with Taro having Osana in the seat next to him, Budo is in front of him and Taro's little sister was next to Budo.

While Taro was helping Osana understand her chemistry formula better, he was completely oblivious to the way Osana was playing dumb and moving closer towards him. Osana knew what she was doing, as she would occasionally look up at Budo and slyly smirk at him before she put on a confused act. Budo felt himself get a bit heated, as he focuses back on his own homework as he tried to not cause a scene at Taro's house.

The quietness was cut off by the sound of a door opening and a woman calling out Taro and Hanako's names.
Hanako's eyes had widen and she rushed off the table heading to the front door to greet her mother, while the others follow behind.

Yuka Yamada is in her mid to late 30's but is often mistaken as being someone much younger by complete strangers who don't know she is married with two teenagers. She has short black hair cut into a bob that is long in the front and shorter in the back, her eyes are a blue grey color and her skin tone is pale tan. She is a slim woman who works at a book store she owns. She is wearing a grey cardigan over a white blouse and a dark blue knee length skirt and flats and in her hands was some groceries she bought on her way home.

When Yuka saw Osana she smiled and welcomed her to her house as as the Yamada's and Najimi's have been long time family friends for years. Then her eyes shifted to Budo who was standing slightly behind Taro. "Hello, are you friends with Taro?" She asked, "Uh, hello ma'am. My name is Masuta Budo and me and your son met on the first day of school and are classmates this year." Budo was surprisingly well mannered when he spoke to Taro and Hanako's mother as he had a slight blush on his face as he bowed down in a respectable manner.

When Budo stood back up he offered to take her bags for her. To which Yuka thanked him and told him that there was two more bags outside the door of he can grab them. But she worn him that they were heavy.

Yuka left the hallway to place the grocery bag in her arms in the counter in the kitchen/dining room area as her kids and Osana walked back in and moves to clear up there school work a bit better when Budo came in hold both large bulging grocery bags in his arms as if they barely weight anything. When he came in he asked Yuka where she wanted the bags as Taro was walking towards him to help. Yuka asked the four teens if they can do their homework in the living as she puts the groceries away and start on dinner.

Taro reaches for one of the bags in Budo's left arm and after Budo told him to be careful that the bag was heavy but Taro didn't believe that the bag was THAT heavy.

He was proven wrong when, he in fact when he grabbed the bag, he was imdeatly brought to the floor due to what was inside it.
The noise had caught Taro's mother, sister and Osana's attention who turned around to see Taro struggling underneath a heavy looking grocery bag as Budo out down the bag in his arms in the table and take the bag from Taro and helped him up. And to add insult to injury, his mother and Hanako couldn't stop laughing at the state Taro was in as Osana crossed her arms over her chest and called Taro an idiot for not listening, when his own mother said the bags were heavy.

Taro felt like he was going to die of embarrassment, as his face had started to turn a bright shade of cherry red as he got off the floor and brushed the dust off his uniform. When he looked up at Budo, he saw that said boy had a smirk on his face. "Shut up." Taro mumbled out as he looked away from everyone. Yuka told everyone to finish in the living room their homework as she finished putting the food away, but before they asked left she asked if Budo and Osana was staying for dinner. Osana said yes while Budo said that he can't as he has to prepare with opening the former kendo club and turn it to the martial arts club at Akademi.

This caught the attention of the three other females; Yuka was very impressed and gave Taro a pointed look before she said, "You do martial arts? Would you be able to help Taro with training?" She said with humor in her voice before she turned around started to put the food away. Hanako had stopped laughing and just blushed a bright red as she imagined who knows what in her head. Osana made a disgusted face as she made a, snide comment about why would anyone join the martial arts as something fun to do.

Budo ignored Osana's comment, and turn to Taro and says: "You can just ask me if you want me to help you with working out more." Taro blushed and turned away as he walks to the living room as he told Budo to shut up again. Budo had a small smirk on his face as he follows after the slightly shorter male.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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