EP15 - Bang & Shatter

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"We're over" Hyoseop walks upstairs to his room.

"Babe! What's wrong?" Nancy about to follow him until Jiwoo blocks the way.

"Enough. He said he had enough"

"Mind your own business please"

"He is... my business" Little did Jiwoo know, Hyoseop can hear their conversation from upstairs.

"Oh. In silence, you like him, don't you?" Nancy crosses her arms against her chest.

"Yes. I will not lie. I do like him. A lot" Hyoseop smiles as he hears it.

"So shameless huh? You admit to like a guy who happened to be engaged"

"Well..." Jiwoo looks at the Hyoseop's engagement on the floor. "I guess he's not taken by anyone at the moment" Jiwoo smirks.

"He can't break up with me. I know he still deeply in love with me!" Nancy takes Hyoseop's ring with her then walks away.

Jiwoo shakes her head. She takes out her cellphone inside her pocket and starts to text Wooyoung. She sighs deeply as she keep her cellphone back inside her pocket. She looks at the door and overthinking again. Is he really still deeply in love with her or Is she going to take him back no matter what, something like that.

Jiwoo goes upstairs and straight to Hyoseop's room. She enters slowly as she can't see the figure. But then, a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Jiwoo gasps in silence. She knows that belongs to Hyoseop. His chin on Jiwoo's shoulder.


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"Can we stay like this for a few minutes?"

"S-sure" Jiwoo can feels her cheeks burning up, shy.

"She will comeback sooner or later"

"I know"

"Can you be with me when she's back here again?"

"Are you sure?"

"I can be brave whenever you're with me" Jiwoo smiles.

"Then, I'll be here for you"

"I guess we're late for the revision" Hyoseop pulls away.

"I told them we're not coming" Jiwoo turns her body to face him.

"Oh I see"

At the library.

"Guys, Jiwoo and Hyoseop not coming. Something came up. They'll be studying together" Wooyoung pouts.

"They're looking so good nowadays" Sungkyung says.

"WHAT THE HELL! WHY?!" Minha stands up in anger.

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