EP19 - You're Important

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"Let go off me" Jiwoo says softly.

"No. I won't let you go to him" Kai grabs Jiwoo's wrist.

"Let go!" Jiwoo angry.


"Please!" Jiwoo pulls her hand away from Kai's.

"Why do you want to go to him? He's taken, he's gonna have a child with Nancy! He's gonna have a future with Nancy. You got no chance at all. I....I'm the only choice you have in your life"

"That's funny. Why are you the only choice in my life?" Jiwoo laughs.

"I can see we both sharing our future together"

"Sorry, I think you've mistaken"


"I think you will share your future with a girl who look alike me" Jiwoo looks at Kai.


"I... can't have Hyoseop...I knew that. At least I can be his friend. That makes me happy already"

"Why?! Tell me where's the mistake? I can be same like him if you want to! Tell me what you don't like about me!"

"You're ignorant, don't you realize yourself?" Jiwoo glares at him.

"What?? When did I??"

"You knew Hyoseop is very sick inside the tent, you said that yourself yet you didn't do anything but enjoy eating barbecue by yourself"

"Jiwoo I gave-"

"If you gave him medicines in the first place, he will never burning like fire"


"Now, excuse me" Jiwoo runs.

Inside Hyoseop's tent.

"Hyoseop-ah, I'm here"


"Yes, it's me" Jiwoo takes out 2 pills and a bottle.


"Sit up, Hyoseop-ah. Eat the medicine" Hyoseop trying hard to sit up. Jiwoo helps him by pushing his back.

"Ugh..." he groans.

"Open up" she put the pills in his mouth and hands the water.

"Em...." he take a big gulp.

"Lay down" 

"Thanks..." he groans as he lay down.

"Let me wipe you a little bit then I'll let you have a rest" Jiwoo wet the towel.


"Ah! Err wait" she looks around and see a blanket.

"That's Joohyuk's"

"Well, I'll tell him later" she takes Joohyuk's blanket and covers Hyoseop.

"Thank you" she smiles. Jiwoo starts to wipe Hyoseop's arm.

"Oh my gosh, you're burning up" she concerns as she wipes Hyoseop's face, jaw and belly.

"Sorry...for giving you hard time"

"I don't mind" 

"Can I ask you something?"


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