Chapter 4

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The next day , I rushed to my office room and called Elsa. I'm glad I can talk to her as much as I need without any charge.

"Bonjour. "

"Elsaaaaaa I miss youuu. "

"Moi aussi. "

"Elsa I'm Jessy stop speaking french for God's sake. "

" I know. Annoying you is in my blood little sis. How are you all ?"

*A moment of silence. *

"Dad entered the hospital last night. But he's okay don't worry. "

"His heart again ?"

"Yeah ..."

"I have good friends in here. Do you want me to ask them to pay for the hospital ?"

"No Mr. Bean payed. "

"Who's Mr.Bean?! " , she replied laughing.

"Jason , the son of Alex. I work for him now. "

"Oh! You told me that. How is he treating you ?"

Before I answered, Jason himself entered.

"Yeah Jessy, how am I treating you ?"

OMG as usual I forget to turn the speaker off.
I told Elsa good bye and stood up waiting for him to curse.

"You can only use the phone for work purposes. "

I nodded and said : " How did you know about my dad's case and why did you pay ?"

"First I live in the same neighborhood which I'm not grateful for. Second , I'd love to see you suffer more and more for a long period of time. I mean you'll need time to cover more than $40 000. "

I didn't answer. If I did he will definitely fire me from work.
His blank face soon turned into a guilty face and he said :

" I just hate your father for dragging dad into poker and you resemble him physically and of course your personalities are alike."

I couldn't stay demure :

" I swear you're mentally retarded ! We both know that my father wasn't the one to drag your father into poker! My father was honest enough to share a secret with his best friend !"

He yelled , became red and scared the pee out of me :

" Why did he share such a harmful secret ! What a great best friend. "

"You know I blamed my father enough for making us lose him and the money. You're illogical. Go talk to your dad and he'll tell you the truth , bozo !"

I'm glad he didn't yell at me for using such language.

"He's freaking dead my dad. "

" I'm sorry , I loved Alex too. Same goes for my dad. "

Before Jason could speak , Isabelle interrupted us. She's so devilish this girl. She was wearing a beautiful floral dress which made her even more beautiful than ever.
She looked at me fiercely. Before she could speak , I lied :

" Okay Mr. Bean I'll make sure I'll complete this document before tomorrow night. "
He smiled at me as if he was saying "thank you" and then he left with his girlfriend holding hands.

I don't know why but his smile enlightened my heart. It made my day ! I worked really hard this day and every time Jason passed by my office I used to wait for him to open a discussion with me but he never did. What was I thinking of ! He still hates me !"

I finished work, drank a cup of frappuchino and to my surprise, I bumped into my ex-boyfriend who stared at me with wide eyes. What was he doing here !

"Hey. "

"Hi. I need to work. The door is open, you can leave. "

"Jessy, I'm really glad you're being that strong after all that happened to you. I know I wasn't the ideal boyfriend but I came here to apologize. "

"You're a jerk. "

"Thank you. "

"You left me when I needed you the most. "

"I'm sorry. "

"Yeah because sorry is a magical word that will change what you have done. OMG thank you. "

"Leave her alone. You made her suffer enough. "

What the heck was Jason doing in here ! I swear this guy is bipolar.

"Oh , so you're the boss who turned Jessy's life into misery ?" , my ex-boyfriend teased.

Jason glared at me full of anger and then he said:" And I'm ready to turn it into hell!"

Last summer , when I was telling Sam the truth, I told him that I might work for a guy who's ready to turn my life into a misery. I regret telling him this but at least I'm sure he was listening back then.

I left the company and went back home to eat "tortellini. " I have no idea how mom got the ingredients but I don't care. I love food.


Don't forget to leave a comment. I need to know if you're on Jessy's or Jason's side 💫

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