Part XXIV: Reyaeth Kingdom III

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"Well then. How shall we play with you first?" Rheya smirked.

She quickly turned away her gaze from me and looked at her torture equipment. There was a heap of strange items with a lot of sharp pointy edges I wouldn't touch.  Since she averted her my attention from me a chance to escape presented itself, but my spells wouldn't cast and I couldn't move at all. I tried to wiggle my hands out but there was no luck. The ropes were too tightly bound.

"Resistance is a complete nonsense," the prison girl told me. Her words made me angry but I was mostly frustrated at myself for being powerless.

Rheya cheerfully hummed a melody while carefully looking at the tools at her disposal and touching them delicately. They could easily cut a person so even Rheya was careful when handling some of them.

"Caly, do you have any wishes?" Rheya asked me.

I had no words to spend on her lunacy so I simply turned my head. The items she had were unfamiliar to me and I hope it stays that way.

"Ignoring me. That is also a big no!" Rheya angrily glared. "Looks like I'll have more work than I initially thought, but there is nothing I couldn't do."

"Because Empress Rheya is perfect," the captive girls added.

She planned on making me crazy just like the girl in front of me. I'd rather go to the spirit world then let Rheya win.

"I'll use this," Rheya looked at a big silver knife with a black handle. The silver blade has some diamonds on it, but the edge was shining, emphasizing it's sharpness.

"No!" The girl with curly blonde hair protested but Rheya ignored her.

If she uses the knife on me I'll be in for a world of pain. I wanted to yell stop, but that might give her the pleasure of thinking that she was able to dominate me. Instead of saying anything I bit my lip.

"Where should I cut you first? Your arms?" She touched my arms gently as though she was giving me a massage. Her touch was creeping me out. 

Next she touched my legs. "Rheya, stop it!" She didn't react to my protests and instead pointed the blade towards me while she slowly caressed my skin with it. I felt shivers down my spine. The coldness increased.

"Caly, looking a little pale, but don't worry. Everybody is like that at first," Rheya said.

Next she ripped the skin on my left arm while petting my head with her other hand. The pain, the chilly air and Rheya's creepy behavior created an atmosphere I've never experienced before and I wouldn't want feel again. Did Rheya torture the other girls like this? But for some odd reason they actually still liked it.

The captive girl complained about something but I couldn't focus on her words. Rheya was done with my left arm and watched as my blood tickled down. Next she pointed her blade towards my right arm and this time slowly mase cuts. I felt like crying but I was holding my tears in.

"Don't cry, Caly," this is a necessary step. "Everybody is like this at first but with time you'll enjoy spending every second with me."

She put her blade away patted my head a bit. The captive girl started screaming. Rheya stopped touching me and focused on the girl. If she'd only spend some time with her and leave me alone. My wounds bleeding a lot and I wanted some time alone to recover.

The chubby girl stopped screaming and started complaining how Rheya spent too much time with me as if she was suffering from neglecting. In her situation I'd be happy to be neglected with Rheya.

"Why does she like you? You took away her freedom and you probably torture her a lot and often," I asked. Rheya was already standing next to the girl but when I spoke she turned to me.

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