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❝ the one where the boys just wanna relax and drink coffee ❞


JONAH !_____________________________

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"GOOD PRACTISE YOU guys!" Coach Dean Davidson stood aside, his team slowly all gathering around him. "Keep it up like this and we'll win the next big game."

The boys nodded, glancing at one another with big smiles and smirks while giving each other a playful shove or nudge.

They were all excited, because everyone knows big scouts come to watch you play. And if you do good, you can actually make something out of it, instead of being one of those football players in college who thought they were everything but ended up being a big- far up their own ass- loser.

Jonah Marais had his arms crossed, listening closely to his coach when Zach nudged him with an excited smile plastered on his face. Jonah sent him a grin before he grabbed his helmet and walked away and towards the locker room, all the other players following their team captain one by one.

Loud noises filled the room.Water running because of the showers boys were taking, shoes that got harshly thrown to the ground, lockers getting slammed closed and of course, the boys' loud talking and laughter.

A teammate- Aiden- turned to his captain. "Eey Jonah, this year is gonna be incredible." He stated, giving Jonah a pat on the back as he moved past him.

Jonah smiled. "For sure." He told him as he turned back to his friends who were almost dressed, throwing his shirt in his bag. "So, Starbucks?" He asked, zipping his bag up and swinging it over his shoulder.

"Yup." Corbyn let out as he grabbed his bag as well, the others doing the same before the five of them headed out.

"Alright," Daniel clapped his hands together once they were near their cars. "Jack, Zach and I came in my car." He turned to Corbyn and Jonah.

Jonah opened his car, throwing his bag to the backseat. "Corbyn and I both came here in our own car, so we'll just catch up there."

Corbyn nodded, along with the rest before he got in his own car, preparing himself to drive towards their usual hang out spot after practise.

The famous Starbucks.

It was only a ten minute drive, the five boys soon entering the Starbucks parking lot.

Jonah left his bag in the car, hopping out of his car before meeting up with his friends in front of the shop.

They all headed inside, Corbyn and Jonah ordering while Daniel was busy with his phone, flipping it in the air and Jack and Zach were-

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