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❝ the one where Vannesa shows she's
more than just her looks ❞


VANESSA !_____________________________

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"NESSA?" ASHLEY HAD her arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face. "Vanessa. Vanessa!" She snapped her fingers in front of her zoned out friend.

"Mhm?" Vanessa flinched lightly, her eyes traveling towards Ashley who sat next to her in the driver seat. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"Uhm, yeah, duh! Are you stupid? Like, why else would I call out for your name?" Ashley rolled her eyes out of annoyance.

Paris nodded along, scoffing together with Ashley from out of the backseat. "Yeah, obviously."

Vanessa ignored their looks, not really feeling like saying anything about it. She knew it wouldn't matter anyways, the girls' attitude has always been like that.

"So, as I was saying," Ashley continued with another eyeroll. "I made over like a hunderth photos yesterday- but I didn't know which one to choose so I still have nothing to post on Instagram." She sighed out dramatically like it was one of the biggest problems in the world.

Vanessa looked away, knowing her face would expose how annoyed she was feeling, and how ridiculous she found the subject.

"That's horrible!" Paris exaggerated. "You probably looked good in each one of them."

The brunette bit her lip with a slight shake of her head. What a suck-up.

"But for real!" Ashley exclaimed as she flipped her hair to the side. "So that's why I need you guys to choose one for me." She stated when she pulled the car up to a red light. She reached over to her phone, unlocked it and shoved it inside friend's hands.

Vanessa bit her to stop herself from rolling her eyes, starting to look through the photos that Ashley's galery was filled with.

"Oh my god! I don't know, like you look perfect in each one of them!" Paris exclaimed, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"I know right?" Ashley agreed, tapping her nails on the steering wheel as they drove towards school.

Vanessa just nodded along, scrolling through the photos for a good one even though they all looked the same.

Just Ashley in fancy clothes with an made up smile, showing off.

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