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❝ the one where Zach messes up and
new friends are made ❞


VANESSA !_____________________________

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VANESSA DROPPED HERSELF on her neatly maded bed, wearing a tired smile. She stared up at the ceiling as she went with her hands through her hair.

One day finished, around six weeks to go before Fall Break. She thought.

Vanessa grabbed her Airpods before searching through her closet for her white joggings.

She only had one pair and she hid it in an old shoe box in the back of her closet, so her parents or their cleaners- yes, they had cleaners, something Vanessa still found ridiculous- couldn't find it.

When Vanessa finally found it, she got changed in it, together with a sweater.

She sat down behind her desk and started doing her homework, knowing if she wasn't gonna do it now- she probably never would.

Her mother knocked on the bedroom door. "Vanessa dear, dinner is ready!"

Vanessa sighed and got up. "I'm coming mother!" She shouted back and grabbed a random dress to replace her joggings for.

The brunette grabbed her phone and headed downstairs, seeing her mom and dad at the big dinner table, sitting across from each other. She herself took a seat in the middle, silently starting to eat her food.

"So, Vanessa," Her father- Charlie Coby Davis- started after minutes of complete silence. "how was school?"

"Normal." She answered simply.

Her father nodded, not asking further.

Her mother did though. "And cheerleader practise?" Aurora asked, only interested in that topic of her daughter's life at school.

"We had to practise earlier than usual, and it was shorter because of a simple mistake in the school system." Vanessa answered, hearing how her my mother scoffed. She sighed. "Mother, it's alright."

"Nothing is alright." Aurora spat as she rolled her eyes at her daughter. She was clearly annoyed. "You're still friends with Ashley and Paris, right?"

Vanessa let out a nod as she swallowed her food.

Aurora smiled. "Good." She nodded. "I heard Ashley's parents are going away for the weekend."

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