The Black Cat

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  • Dedicated to Trisha

My mother told me that the three of us, when we were just toddlers, were always been a magnet of entities.

Then he told me about Ethan, my younger brother's first entity encounter.

My mom was left alone taking care of Ethan that night, who was only a month old. My older sister and I slept like a log upstairs, while my mom and Ethan was downstairs.

Our house is in the middle of nowhere. There are houses around, but we have this huge farm around us, so the other houses are distant from us.

My mom was sitting on the sofa, with the crib where Ethan is just in front of her.

Suddenly, she heard a faint sound of knock. She stood and assumed thay it was my Dad, only after opening the door to see no one but a black kitten at the door step. Since my mom is a cat lover, she was captivated by the kitten's cuteness and let it in, heading to the kitchen after locking the door.

She put out a bowl with a generous amount of food in it and when she came back, she saw this unhumanly lady wearing a black dress with bloodstains on it. She has her long fingernails almost as long as a ruler reaching to my younger brother's cheek.

My mother screamed like hell that night, and as soon ad she did, in a blink of an eye, the creature was gone.

She ran to Ethan's crying and was relieved to see him unharmed.

The kitten was nowhere to be found.


Thanks for my friend who shared this story. Thanks, Trisha! ^^

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