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Every now and then, everytime Andrew hears the word "dragged", he turns pale and uneasy.

And then he told me a story that made a chill run down my spine.

He was only seven when his grandma (who seems to know a lot about entities) noticed that a female entity kept on following Andrew.

At first, he thought it's just some sick joke, because his grandma has this sick sense of humor. Ergh.. according to him of course.

But then, he came to realize that he really is being followed by 'something'.

He told me a few scenes and experiences about the matter and it all seemed to prove that he's being followed. Not by a human, that's for sure.

And then, at that day, Andrew went to school, seems like he's lost. And afraid.

It took me a few months before I can talk to him the way we normally do, and after all those years, he had the strength to talk about what made him like that eleven years ago.

Yes. He was that frightened that it took him eleven years to talk about it.

And what I heard scared the hell out of me.

That particular night, he can't sleep. He said he felt like someone's watching him. Because of that, he went to his parents' room.

He fell asleep, but then it happened.

He sleepwalked, and opened the door out of his parents' room.

And their house was filled with his voice. He was screaming. It waked everyone up in the house, only to see Andrew being dragged by something to the hallway.

His parents ran after him and he was found crying in the kitchen, with scratches on his skin.

Long scratches that obviously made by a woman's nails.


Had a few trouble getting this one. xD

I got the image from the movie Drag me to Hell. *sigh*. Yep.. that's all I got.

I'm such a wuss when it comes to scary images. They tend to get stuck in my head..

Oh by the way..

Thanks Creeperzzzzz! ^^ I appreciate it!

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