Ryan wolf for have white fur with green eyes but when in his human form when Ryan get angry the eyes will show red which is the sign of an alpha but Ryan eyes was alway blue which is the sign of a bata that killed someone but even though Ryan is a hybrid half fairy & half werewolf .
Ryan wolf form was pretty cool his mother alway like it because he have the color of his wings
There are 5 different color of wings ( white , black , gray , white-gray , black-gray)
Ryan alway turn in to his wolf form when his mother alway tried to yell at him when Ryan eyes turned red and his mom knew what it meant and she stop yelling at him an now Angela and Brittany father left Salenia when he found out that Ryan not his and his two older sister father ( Luke brick ) was fucking piss. And left Salenia but Luke never like ryan that much because the kid was way to good looking to be his Luke never could understand him .No mater what ryan did Luke never like it alway put him down saying he stupid ugly no one would like him took every chance to tell Ryan that stuff .
Ryan The trouble teen
Teen FictionRyan is a hybrid kid his mother is a fairy elder and his father is a wolf-shifter three sister all different in there own way One sister Angela is a angel Brittany is a witch can sometime be a Bitch Bloodier-a Is a vampire his is half sister A...