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🐦🐦type's diary🐦🐦


🐢Tharn pov🐢

Life is beautiful or full of troubles . its already decided by heavens .we on earth just have the duty to accept it with no tears and fears .for me , life is a beautiful fairy tale which flute soothing music everyday for me . the sun knocks at my window daily and moon with its army of stars shines my night . chirping of birds and swing of green stems photosynthesis my day . the attire of life sprinkles pleasures and smiles on me . oh , I am not poet but a person who was taught from childhood to accept every bad and good grin of life with bravery. And not a magician who controls the cycle of universe but future hire of GREEN WOLF GROUP, THARN ADOLPH.

Born in house of QUINN Adolph and DAJI ADOLPH as only child. But born in elite class doesn't mean that money and easily available luxury hovers your manners . from childhood I saw the elites and leaders visited ADOLPH HOUSE but in my brought up my mom DAJI ADOLPH kept in view the f act that the status of my family shouldn't affect me.

From start when I was able to do small things she trained me to do all my work of my own. And I wasn't allowed to treat staff of house or company staff as slaves but as a family. I was about 15 when my father died . that was crucial phase not for me and mom but also for our group. But my mom took over group successfully and protect the whole Adolph group. She spread the business worldwide more efficiently.

I remembered when she took over first day she said

" our group sign is wolf wearing glasses , sitting on chair and writing on paper placed on table which means wolf loves to take care of his family from all dangers. So it always prefer to work hard so that it set a good set up for family and a good example for young wolves to follow path of hard work."

After day, our group became a dominant group so quickly that every one preferred our group either it's any business or job. I joined my mom and helped her in look after matters besides completing my post-graduation .

but I had personal life as well .my heart was taken by a cute Barbie named Kathy Auber. We were together since our graduation and after completing post-graduation I proposed her. She adopted modelling as her profession.

My mom decided to strengthen our business grip on Thailand though our staff was good enough but my mom asked me to moved Thailand to personally look after the business. Though I wanted my fiancée to accompany me to Thailand but due to her commitments I moved alone to Thailand . but just oneday before my arrival she told me by returning engagement ring that she didn't want long distance relationship so we broke up . though it hurt a lot but I accepted her decision . after that I realised that couples who endure every hardship of life is only in idol romance dramas but in actual life , no one is ready to face hardships or challenges of life.

I took admission in famous Thai university in PHD IN BUSINESS STUDIES and decided to live in dorm rather than in our mansion. Though on knowing me the staff of dorm first hesitant to gave me any dorm mate but later on I convinced them that I am student here. No need to consider my status in world outside university, they somehow agreed though a lot of questions hovered in minds.

Finally I had a decent boy as dorm mate named TYPE WILLIAM CHEN. and when I inquired about him I got to know that he is young son of famous chen group our partners . he is mostly unknown in business world because he kept himself low key . he is an innocent angel and I really like him very much . no doubt that person will be lucky who will make couple with type .as he didn't introduce him completely so I also don't find it necessary to introduce myself . so from no won a new life as businessman, as PhD student and as dorm mate knock at door .


🐢Type pov🐢

Finally after reaching ThailandI reached university and got a good dorm with handsome dorm mate who seemed tobe quite friendly person but his cooking skills are superb. The taste in hishand though filled my stomach but intention to eat more plop in my mood.
he definitely should have a partner and that person is very lucky because if handsome partner is good cook then life is heaven . from tomorrow I have to attend classes but I am thinking to find a job so that I can live on my ownrather than depending on my forefathers assets


to be continued
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🍄Type's diary🎈(mewgulf/tharntype)(complete)🎈by k.bunny👒Where stories live. Discover now