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🍎engrave the moon🍎


🍇tharn pov🍇

after slipping rings, we both sealed with soft kiss.i had never imagined that type will accept my proposal and honor me with himself.

perhaps i know some spell so i cast on the whole season to freeze the moments but i myself was under the spell of type no matter how much i was master in casting spell.i ll definitely forget every word in presence of type.

we both holding hands were seeing each other. the waves were whispering to step ahead and make him fully mine. but
i hadnot the courage to lose him. but i was surprised when type softly placed his soft palms on face"why are holding yourself from me. do you think i ll mind your move.lets complete this engagement ceremony if you are not hungry for food."

with out thinking a moment i nodded and we almost ran to car and drove to our dorm.
i wasnt afraid of arrangement on beach because changli was there with staff so they will care of each and every thing .

the drive from beach to dorm and from car to our dorm was the dificult path i ever walk out.

on entering the dorm, i pinned the type to wall but he was so fast then my thoughts, he pushed me to opposite wall.and attacked my lips. his soft lips were brushing paint of soft smooches on my lips. his soft smooches was making my sleeping beast awake slightly.

we were both sucking each other lips and moaning in each other mouths. the saliva like a spring from our mouths towards our chins.

type broke the kiss and licked all the saliva beneath from my lips towards my chin and below.
"you are too tasty from inners" type whispered after licking like cat .
"you are trying to give me hardtime" i said but before i picked him up he wrapped his arms around my neck and legs around my waist.and bend to kissed my lips.

i replied and we both again drowned in ocean of steamy lovely kiss.i entered my room and sat on my bed with him in my lap. kiss from our upper lower lips were transferred to seasoning of tongues who were hiphoping with each other.though for me giving up difficult but i let type tongue to dominate and heaven my whole mouth with his mouth.

meanwhile , we both unbutton each other shirts and they were on floor.type broke the kiss and pushed me on bed.
his junior was seducing my senior. from mouth , he sucked and licked completely my neck and marked me . .

slightly he moved to shoulder and then to my chest , my whole body which was moving in some hardening phase,becoming soft and petaly with  the smooches of type.

he kissed my chest and sucked my nips upto extent they became red like blood is flowing from them. licked and sucked my belly.sucked my biceps ,like a holy thing he kissed my hands.

but with demony eyes and biting his lips, something more ploping his mind.
he unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans and boxers and removed them from legs.
then he freed himself from jeans and boxers.

i tried to touched his body but he slapped my hand.he slightly softly touched my thighs with his fingers. this touch gave me shivers.i tried to pin him down but he again pushed me down .and tied my hands with shirt.
"dont dare otherwise you wont get anything."

he bend down and kisses my thighs and dont forget to give love bites. he kissed my ankles then with full forced laid me on my stomach and painted my back with his soft smooches until he reached my hole. he bite my hips and licked my hole with his tongue.

"type, let me on top.please"
i pleaded.
"no babe, you ll be the bottom tonight" he said seductively like he has drunk all liquor of cosmos.but very true we were both drunk without drink:ng , just with presence of each other we are brimmed.

and i was again on my back.
our organs were showing that they have crossed their limits of patience. type started to lick my organ and as well a hand job to his organ. this view was making me king of cloud nine.
his soft warm tongue was soothing me from top to bottom.

type suddenly stopped licking my organ"type let me cum ..." but he smirked until he released some on him on me and around. it seemed like dark brown  chocolate was coated with white chocolate.

he licked some and then again coated his finger and started to prepare himself. and then took my all organ.and started to move up and down .

"untie me type please babe "
i requested
he untie me and actually invited my awaked alpha demon beast.with my organ in him i pinned him down and started to thrust in him.
finally it started to touch his soft points and made him moans seductively and bedsheet more wrinkly.

i bent down to kissed him again. his saliva had sweet taste of his own white chocolate.and it was deliicious. we were kissing and my organ in inners of type massaging his inners . the softness of his inners making me more crazy.  we both were messy but when love make you messy then it means that no messes from now own.

finally we both came in unison.i in my type and type on him me..i pulled my key from lock of type and licked all white choco.
"type you are full chocolate heap of different flavours,"
i softly whispered in his ears.
he blushed badly.

i laid beside him. he laid on my chest with his leg on my legs .
"tharn, thankyou for engraving me with yourself. i love you " he said and kissed on my chest.
"thankyou type for blessing me with yourself. i promise you that i ll be the shield of life for you till my last breath."

we interwined our fingers and continued to expressed our love to each other in different
words.until the valley of slymber sleep duvet us ..


to be continued
thankyou for reading
i m greatful
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🍄Type's diary🎈(mewgulf/tharntype)(complete)🎈by k.bunny👒Where stories live. Discover now