Chapter 4-The Fire Calls

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HOLY CRAP, THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER WRITTEN!!! :O I think you should vote just for that ya know ;) ahaha

Chapter 4-Amias' POV

All heads, including mine, dropped respectfully as Alpha Reynolds walked into the clearing. His impressive height of 6ft combined with his cold, calculating eyes made me shiver. His black hair was artfully unkempt, his blue eyes assessing the scene before him when I snuck a peek at him through a film of hair. Knowing that my fate was in his hands was not comforting...

                “What is the meaning of this?” the Alpha asked, coming to a halt next to Byron.

                “Alpha Reynolds, this underling,” Byron gestured to me, still bound on the floor, “has been keeping a female from us.” Byron made sure he kept his eyes trained on the floor; it was a sign of disrespect to look an Alpha directly in the eye.

There was a long pause as Alpha Reynolds weighed up Byron’s words. I longed to scream of my innocence, even if it was a lie, but I knew better than to interrupt the Alpha and his third.

Byron shouldn’t even be in a position of power since there was only supposed to be the Alpha and Beta, but Reynolds’ second, Dobry, was our Shaman, and he was...well, a little nutty to say the least.

“Is this true?” I didn’t realise that Reynolds was talking to me until he was suddenly in front of me, yanking my head up to face him.His fingers dug into my chin. I fought back a wince.

                “Is. This. True?” he repeated through gritted teeth, his icy eyes ablaze with fury. It was the most emotion I had ever seen from him since I’d joined the pack four years ago.

                Frantically, I shook my head, trying to calm the erratic beating of my heart.

                “You don’t have a voice?” Reynolds sneered, his breath blowing into my face. It smelt like rotting deer carcass.

                “I-I-I,” I stuttered, but couldn’t seem to force anything out past the lump in my throat.The force of his anger, combined with all of the eyes on me, was making me nervous.

                “Speak properly, boy,” Reynolds shouted, still right up in my face. My ears were ringing when he stepped back to stand beside a smirking Byron. They both looked down at me as if I were nothing. My blood boiled, but I forced back the unexpected jolt of anger.

“No, Alpha Reynolds,” I finally managed to answer, my whole body trembling.

                “You’re telling me you don’t have a voice?” he said, amusement colouring his tone. A few of my pack mates chuckled. What was he...? When I realised what I’d just said, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

                “T-that wasn’t what I meant.” Damn it, why was my voice trembling?!

“So you lied to me,” Reynolds said, taking a threatening step forward. I heard the underlying violence in his tone. There was no amusement in his eyes now as he stared at me. I squirmed. It was the look that a predator would give its prey.

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