Damned and defective, Lizzie Black was born to a mass-murderer and a vampire. As the culmination of two legacies of darkness, Lizzie's mind is as black as her surname. But, luckily for the girl who was named after the faintest constellation in the s...
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LIZZIE BLACK HAS ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT SIRIUS BLACK'S WORST CRIME did not take place on Halloween Night 1981, but rather on the 10th September, 1979, when Sirius Black named one baby daughter after the Lizard Constellation, the faintest constellation in the night sky, and the other Aquila, the constellation named after eagles worshipped by Roman Legions.
OF COURSE, NOBODY SEEMS TO AGREE WITH LIZZIE BLACK'S ASSESSMENT, and Lizzie has learned to keep her opinions to herself concerning her father's horrible taste in baby names, because Lizzie is often accused of not placing enough value on innocent lives . . .
( But honestly, Lizzie Black can't understand how they didn't realise he was a bad egg when he named his baby Lacerta —— an act which just screams sadist )
Her father being a mass-murderer and locked up in Azkaban had been a slight insecurity of Lizzie's that only ever manifested itself in the form of light-hearted jokes —— feelings and insecurities were best masked and dealt with through humour, had Lizzie learned, and 'talking it out' was for lily-livers.
But the joke stopped being a joke when her murderous father breaks out of Azkaban, with the apparent aim of killing Harry Potter —
( Not that Lizzie would mind that much, since he's a walking-talking Danger Magnet with a death wish and a hero complex, and even if he saved Lizzie from certain death last year —— which she's grateful for, obviously —— she'd like to live to seventeen, thank you very much )
And Lizzie Black's schoolmates stop worshiping her for the literal queen she is (modesty is also for lily-livers, Lizzie has learned) and start seeing her as the lunatic, half-vampire daughter of Sirius Black who opened the Chamber of Secrets in her second year (while possessed, but everyone seems to omit that little detail) and sets people on fire unprovoked (another lie; she's always been provoked)
Lizzie Black's life has always been complicated, a consequence of her chemically imbalanced mind, wickedly dark ancestry and her siphonic nature, but thanks to Sirius Black, Rita Bitch Skeeter and everyone thinking she's Satan incarnate (when Lizzie knows that's Daphne Greengrass), Lizzie's third year is shaping up to be a spectacular mess before it even begins ——
And all she wanted was the freakin' Quidditch Cup.
A/N: So I have had this in my docs for ages and was wondering if I should publish it and here we are! Lizzie is super complicated character who's a bit of a bitch with a heart of gold and a ton of issues to work through but I honestly love her already.
This will have quite a few background OCs so a chapter is coming up on the Didymos clan (Lizzie's mother's family) and the main OCs at Hogwarts.