Chapter 18

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I gasp awake. Trying to get as much air into my lungs as possible. I look around at my surroundings and I see I'm in a strange basement.

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself and I look around trying to find the door. "Hello! Is anyone there?" I shout.

"Ahh, Amelia Argent." The familiar voice of Araya Calavera comes into view. "So, you are alive." She says in Spanish.

"How long have I been dead for?" I ask her, also in Spanish.

"A couple weeks." She responds. "But here you are, alive."

"How?" I ask.

"I have no clue." She responds. "I found out about you turning and becoming an Alpha, I went to Beacon Hills to check it out. Only to find you died a few days before."

"I'm not killing myself." I protest.

"I'm not asking you to. Only when you kill an innocent, that's when I'll hunt you down." She replies.

"Why did you take me?" I further question.

"Well, you Argents have a history of not staying dead." She vaguely responds.

"What does that mean?" I frown.

"Think." She replies. "If you can't get turned by a bite, how else can you turn?"

"Scratch. If it goes deep enough." I instantly respond. "Kate." I growl.

"I've been told you're the smart one, I guess you are." She tells me. A few days pass and I'm stuck in the same room with a hunter occasionally bringing me food. When I get a few unexpected visitors. Scott, Stiles (who I hope is Stiles), a girl and Kira.

"Hey, wake up." I tell them, shaking them slightly. "Come on!" I say, raising my voice.

"What? What's going on?" They mutter.

"You got kidnapped." I bluntly tell them and their eyes widen and snap towards me.

"Amelia?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alive." I dismiss it. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask them. "Is Allison here too? Is she okay?"

"Amy.." Stiles trails off.

"Is it really you?" I ask him and he nods. "Thank god." I reply and pull him into a hug, earning a growl from the girl. "Easy there." I say with raised eyebrows and pull away from Stiles.

"You know her?" She asks Stiles.

"I killed her." He replies.

"It was the nogitsune, not you." I scoff and walk over to Scott.

"Amy, Allison she-" He cuts himself off, trying to figure out what to say. "We went against the nogitsune at Oak creek and she figured out that Silver kills the oni."

"But when she stood still, shocked that it had worked, an oni came up behind her." Kira continues.

"No." I gasp. "She can't be-"

"Well, you were until god knows how long ago." Stiles tells me. "Your dad and Isaac moved to France, they couldn't live here without the reminders of both of you."

"Wait, you're Amy?" The girl asks.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"The dead Argent/Alpha." She further asks.

"That would be me." I say, tears flooding my eyes. My baby sister is dead. "Was it painful?"

"No, it didn't hurt her." Scott tells me and I nod.

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