drunk broccoli boy

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"Hey has anyone seen midoriya?" Kirishima asked walking into the common room. "No why?" "He said he would lone me his hair spray." "WHOOOOOOO! I CAN FLY!" "ZUKU NO YOU CAN FUCKING NOT GET BACK HERE!!" The green haired boy came in fast holding his arms out like a plain. "Bro what's up-" "I drank grown up juice it was tarible!" "Haha hes drunk!" Kaminari laughed and fell to the ground. "That is not appropriate for a future hero to drink that stuff."iida said doing his hand motion thing.  "oh yeah well tell teacher person that boo boo." Kirishima and mina broke down laughing along with kaminari. "Stupid extras this isnt even that funny. Zuku go drink some water." "Nah bro I'm good! Imma go surfe the waves with the sea dogs!" "What the fuck are- do you mean sharks?" "Nah bro they are called sea dogs I know all of them by name!" "The fuck." "What are their names bro." Kiri asked. Bakugo sent him a glare. "Their names are shark! Just so it doesnt get to confusing." "I'm in a school with fucking idots!"

Not even a minute later

"Kirishima I lovvveeeee you! Mina i lovvvveeeeeeeeee youuuuuuu! Marry me dinki i love youuuuuuu!" "Of course kind sir i will so marry you bro." "Yayyyyyy! But if we ever divorce I'm taking tea set." "Bro how will I drink tea while spilling it! Fine if you take the tea set I'm taking the spoons! Good luck trying to eat you cereal like a normal person!" "I dont eat cereal because I'm not a child! You know what I dont think this is going to work out I'm done with you!" "Fine dude I'm dont without too!" Bakugo just stared at them in disappointment. "I lost brain cells listening to that conversation...(bro I realized I didnt turn off the bold so that paragraph is written in bold......im too lazy to redo it.........I'm disipointed in myself) "I  got that all on video..." "good job dude!" Kiri said to Toru.

Next day

"Bro the fuck happen yesterday?" "Here here toru got it on video!!!" Mina squealed and handed izuku the phone. Midoriya laughed at himself throughout the video. "Dude I'm hilarious." "Shut the fuck up your annoying drunk." "You love me." Bakugo rolled his eyes and scoffed knowing he was right. (Friends can say I love you to each other I say I love you to my friends.)

So I still need ideas so comment some ideas and I'll probably do them. Nothing angsty this is a book for humor and jokes it's not supposed to make sence or be serious!!!!!

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