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I need to find Gabriel and as soon as possible. Maybe he would understand what she was trying to say. I scuttle for the door. Before I lock the door before me, a sharp blade meets the skin of my neck followed by a gruff scary voice.

"I never thought it would be easy to find you. Like a good girl, don't scream." The voice of my captor makes my whole body tense. I crumple the paper in my hand following instructions.

Panic sets inside my body and brain. Where were the others, mom, Gabriel, Sebastian? Everything is gravely quiet which is so unusual. Something is wrong. I can feel it.

"Now walk like an obedient little thing." he orders.
I didn't have to be told twice as he leads me downstairs.

"Look who finally choses to join the party." A sharp feminine voice quips enthusiastically. I take in the sight before me. Gabriel  is cuffed. Sebastian, mom, Marco and Ethel are all at gun point. What the hell? How did this happen? They all lift anxious stares at me.

My eyes rise to the owner of the voice. Platinum blonde hair so perfect flowing down her head in waves, crimson lipstick and a dress so dark, she resembles a witch. Her eyes when they meet mine are intimidating.

"Hello dear sister."

What! Did I hear that right? Sister. She called me sister. She catches the look on my face because she continues watching my face with amusement.

"At the start, it is a little confusing but I promise it gets better." She motions for my captor to lead me to the couch and forces me to sit.

"Why do all of you look sad? We should be celebrating. This is a family reunion."

Gabriel who is gagged makes a noise. "Well, I will start off with the introductions for all of you who don't know me. I am Helena Whitrow, daughter of Evanna Whitrow, funny isn't it?" Helena chuckles humorlessly causing my blood to boil.

This has gotten to be one of those bad nightmares. Unfortunately when I blink, I find the evil blonde still lurking in the sitting room.

"That is not true." Marco growls angrily.
"Oh Marco dear, the truth hurts, doesn't it? I am sure my aunt Olivia has something to say, right aunt?" Helena turns to mom who nods through tears.

What is this woman up to? What does my mom have to do with all this?
"I am glad to tell you the woman you so praise, Evanna Whitrow is a lying selfish bitch."

"You have no right to say that." Mom argues bitterly.
"I have every right to call her anything I want. After all she abandoned me to those good for nothing bald uncivilized monks." she spits.

"You missed nothing Lyka. Our mother never loved us. She was that selfish."

Our mother. If this woman is trying to get into my head, I am not buying her bullshit.
"I am here to take what is mine. I am the true heir to the throne, the true alpha." Helena announces in an ecstatic tone.

Everyone in the room tenses growing pale by each passing tick of a clock.
"Sounds good to say it aloud." she mutters letting out another loud evil laugh.


I growl. Enough is enough. She scowls at my defiant face before her lips break out in a smirk.
"You are brave for standing up to me but you won't win Lyka, not even when you try." She stares at me intensely before a sharp pain starts up my leg. The damn bitch.

I yelp when the pain becomes too much.
"Helena stop!" mom interrupts.

"What do you want?" She asks getting her attention. She stops her torture her smirk widening.

"I want to be Alpha."

There she goes again.

"That is not going to happen." Sebastian hisses. Helena lifts her hand to Sebastian before he shrieks in pain falling to the ground.
"Stop it!" I command.
"What do you have to say sister?"

Before I say a word, gun fires deafen my ears. That is what I hear before someone tackles me to the ground.
"Gabriel get them." I hear Marco order.
"Don't let them escape." I hear Ethel say.

Animal growls and howls and cries of pain are the only things I hear from where I lay beneath someone I recognize as Sebastian.

"Sebastian." I quickly embrace him tightly when the noise vanishes from the room.

"Hey, I am fine." Sebastian weakly smiles at me.
There is a wound on his forehead that is bleeding. When I bring my hand to touch it, he pulls away.
"It's only a scratch Lyka." he says.
I want to argue but I know this is not the right time.

"Is everyone alright, mom, Gabriel, Ethel, Marco?" I ask panicked looking around the room at the dead bodies.
"They are fine. They went to chase down the intruders." he explains.
That definitely does nothing to  calm me down and Sebastian realises it.

"They are going to be fine." Sebastian assures.
I sigh looking around the messed room. Shattered vessels and destroyed furniture lay in the room.
All I can't stop wondering is what the hell happened back here.

Sebastian comes back with a glass of water which I gladly accept. I gulp down the water trying to calm down.
Mom, Gabriel, Ethel, Marco and some few guards enter the vandalized room a few minutes later disappointment written all over their faces.
"Did you catch them?" Sebastian asks curiously.
"We killed the others but she escaped." Marco replies angrily.

Helena. That is who he must mean.
"What do you mean you lost her?" I intervene anxiously.
"Honey calm down, we will get her sooner or later." mom murmurs caringly.
"Speaking of which, I think it is high time we know what the hell is going on Olivia. What was that bitch saying about you?" Gabriel asks voice edgy.

Everyone turns attention to her. She sighs before she speaks.
"I don't know how to say this. I promised Evanna." she mutters.
"Just tell us mom. Our hands are tied." I coax gazing at her.

"When Evanna was pregnant, she was enthusiastic about her baby. She wanted to know the gender of the baby."

"One night, she sought out the witch in the Dunheim woods. She asked me to escort her, I couldn't say no. The witch  told us that she was having twins, two beautiful girls." Olivia gazes at me.

"She quickly stopped our joyful faces with her face turning to that of fear as she gazed at Evanna's bump. Where there is evil, there is good, the witch said. She told us that one baby was evil, she was to bring the downfall and endless bloodshed but the other was good, pure just like a mother's love and she will bring light and peace to everyone. She told Evanna that she had to get rid of the evil baby." Mom hiccupped.

"When the babies were born, Evanna couldn't kill her baby. Instead, she gave her away to the monks up in the Himalayans to take good care of her. It was the only way to keep everyone safe."

"I promised her that I would go with this secret to my grave." she sobbed.
Oh my God! Could things ever be right for one time? That is the secret mother wanted to tell me. I had a sister. I had an evil sister.

I am staring at my mom in shock when it hits me.
"That doesn't sound nice at all. I can't believe Evanna kept such a thing from us." Marco mutters.
"We have all witnessed what she is capable of. I have no doubts the witch was right about her being evil." Mom says dryly.

"She killed the Alpha, she came back for revenge and she wants the throne." Gabriel spits bitterly.
"According to what she said yes and the only person that can stop her is Lyka." Ethel says and everyone's attention turns to me.

I can't still accept the fact that I have an evil sister and now people are having hopes in me.
"She's still weak. Helena is too strong." Sebastian intervenes.
"Sebastian is right. We all have seen how in just a matter of minutes, she had us cuffed and then escaped with no trace." Marco chimes.

"What are we going to do?" Mom asks.
"A war has began and we are going to do anything to win it." Gabriel replies.

FADED. A Werewolf story. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now