Chapter 2: Potions

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The morning after Annabelle's sorting ceremony she received her timetable.

Annabelle's Timetable:

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

9:30-10:30: Potions Herbology D.A.D.A D.A.D.A Astronomy

10:45-11:45:Potions D.A.D.A Potions Transfiguration Charms

1:30-2:30: History of magic Transfiguration Charms History of Magic D.A.D.A

2:45-3:45: Transfiguration Charms Herbology Flying Herbology

Annabelle examined her timetable and let out a sigh before sitting down on her bed. She laid down thinking about her brother. He was probably so excited to get his schedule because it gave him something new to learn. He was rightfully put in Ravenclaw, Annabelle could never keep up with everything new that he was always learning.

She got up and looked in her closet, she was worried that she wouldn't have a uniform to wear since she had no time to shop, and she didn't even have any money for new clothes. When she swung her closet door open, she was startled to find three school uniforms perfectly hung up, and in her size. Annabelle was only five feet tall, and she was very tiny for her age, most of the time when she did get new clothes she would shop in the kids sections at stores. Annabelle gratefully pulled off her pajamas and put on her new clothes. She thought they would be heavy and stuffy because of all the layers, but instead it felt light and comforting.

Annabelle made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Once she got to the large doors that were thankfully open, she searched around the room looking for her brother. She finally found him sitting at the Ravenclaw table chatting with other boys that looked to be his age. She started to walk over to him, but she felt as if she were being watched, Annabelle looked around the hall and finally caught the eyes that were watching her. It was a man sitting at the staff table with shoulder length black hair and dark, onyx eyes. He seemed to only be in his late twenties, but his demenior showed that he was mature beyond his years. Annabelle tilted her head to the side wondering why he was looking at her, before his mouth started to move and his eyebrows went up in surprise. It looked like he was trying to tell her something. "Watch---" he was cut off when Annabelle ran straight into a girl carrying a plate of food. The girl's food spilled all over Annabelle's chest, ruining her new uniform. Annabelle fell back with food dripping from her once clean uniform and looked up. The girl looked to be about Annabelle's age, she had blonde hair would have been considered pretty, but at that moment she was ugly with rage.

"EEEEEEEECH." The girl screamed. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU STUPID BITCH!" The girl shook with anger as she yelled down at Annabelle. At first Annabelle was surprised and going to apologize for not looking, but nobody was allowed to talk to her like that. Annabelle started laughing as she stood up, surprising the girl. "I'm sorry that I ran into you, but if you were watching where you were going, you wouldn't have ran into me. So stop acting like a spoiled brat and get over yourself." Annabelle spat, and then leaned into the girl so only she could hear her. "And if you ever called me stupid, or a bitch again, I'll knock your lights out." With that said she walked away from the shocked girl, and headed toward the Ravenclaw table once again.

"Well I guess your day can't get much worse." Jasper chuckled as Annabelle sat down next to him. She knew she would need to change before classes, but she wanted to talk to her brother for a bit before she had to leave. Annabelle grabbed a napkin and started to wipe angrily at her outfit. "What was that girl's problem?! She's such a bitch!" Annabelle said as she tried to get the food off of her clothes and out of her hair. "Oh well that 'bitch' is the Minister Millicent Bagnold's niece." A boy that looked to be about thirteen, with brown hair and tan skin said. He was one of the boys that Jasper had previously been talking to. "What's a Minister Bagnold?" Jasper asked with confusion.

"It's not a what, but a who. She is the minister of magic, the political leader of the Wizarding world. Somewhat equivalent to the British Prime Minister." This time a boy with blonde hair spoke up, he seemed to be older. 'Great' Annabelle thought, she had just threatened the Minister's niece. Someone talking interrupted her thoughts. "Hi, I'm Elijah. I'm a seventh year." Elijah reached out his hand to Annabelle, she took his hand expecting to shake it, but instead he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. Annabelle yanked her hand back and blushed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Annabelle but my friends call me Bell. And this is Jasper, my brother." She motioned to Jasper and he gave a slight wave.

Suddenly aware of the time and the state of her clothes, Annabelle stood up quickly causing Elijah's eyes to go wide with surprise. "Sorry I have to go change for class, see you around!" Annabelle said as she hurried to leave the hall. She heard Elijah call out to her, but she kept walking until she reached her dorm. Luckily she was given a singles room with its own bathroom. She hurriedly took off her clothes and took a hot shower. When she got out, she wiped off the fog on the mirror so she could see herself properly. Annabelle was short, and had a tiny frame, her hair was a dark brown that almost looked black. She wasn't considered classically pretty, she didn't even consider herself pretty at all, but she knew that she had pretty eyes. They were bright blue and held depth, they contrasted with her hair so they popped. She didn't wear that much makeup, only some mascara and eyeliner that only furthered the beauty of her eyes.

Once Annabelle was finished drying her hair, and putting on her clean uniform, she checked the time on her watch. She let out a gasp of surprise, it was already 9:20. She only had ten minutes to get to her Potions class and she had no idea how to get there. She reached for the door handle and yanked it open running out the door. She didn't get too far out the door before she hit a wall. She started to fall into the wall, but strong hands grasped her arms, steadying her. Not a wall, but a person. She looked up into the onyx eyes of the man she had been distracted by earlier that morning.

"You insolent child, you really don't watch wear your going!" The man exclaimed in a gravelly voice. Annabelle stepped back, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm trying to get to my Potions class on time. I really want to make a good first impression with the teacher, I hear he can be intimidating." Annabelle rushed out with one breath. She noticed the tension on the man's face ease. "You hear he's intimidating do you? What else have you heard?" The man asked with a hint of entertainment in his voice. Annabelle rang her hands and looked down. "Well I haven't heard much, as I only got here last night, but it was said that you don't want to get on his bad side. So I really should be going, I don't even have any books and I don't want to add being late on top of that." Annabelle looked back up and she swore she saw a smirk on his face before he quickly wiped it away with an emotionless mask. "Yes it would be unfortunate to get on his bad side. Follow me if you don't want to be late." The man spat out harshly. Annabelle flinched at his tone but followed him nonetheless. He walked quickly, his black robes flowed behind him making it look like he was gliding, Annabelle had to jog to keep up, but she was able to keep pace with the man.

The man stopped outside a classroom in the dungeons, not too far from where her dorm was. Annabelle almost ran into him because of his abrupt stop. "This is the Potions classroom, you better go find a seat." The man said spinning around to Annabelle. "Thank you so much! you've kept me from embarrassing myself again today. I'm Annabelle Mercy, by the way, but everyone calls me Bell." Annabelle stuck out her hand waiting for a handshake. The man looked down at her outreached hand, before saying, "you better go find a seat Ms. Mercy." He took her hand to shake, but quickly let go when he felt a shock of electricity. Annabelle looked up in surprise, but hurriedly walked into the room, when she noticed she only had a minute before class started.

As soon as Annabelle sat down, the door swung open to the man that she had just talked to. Her eyebrows raised in confusion, but lowered when the man started to talk. "There will be no foolish wand waving, or silly incantations in this class. As such I don't suspect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making, however for those select few, who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, and brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. You will call me Professor Snape, and I am your Potions teacher."

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