Chapter 4-Emily

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As soon as I had walked out of my sister's room, I ran right back in.

"Mollie."I waited for a response from the bed. "M-O-L-L-I-E! Mollie!" Nothing. I walked over to the king sized bed, flicking my sister. In the face.

A small groan escaped Mollies's mouth, but still no movement. "Fine, I'm really going to hate doing this, but...." I trailed off, walking to her bathroom. Once I had found a plastic cup, I turned on the sink, and filled it with water. Mollie was going to hate this.

When I got back to Mollie's bed, I tipped the cup every so slightly, letting water spill over the brim, letting water hit her in the face and upper torso.

Mollie screamed, sitting bolt upright.

"Finally!! So, quick thing, after we finish packing, we are going on a trail ride. So change into jeans and paddock boots when you are done. Meet you in the indoor!" I told her, which was funny, considering she's the bigger sister and I would never normally do something like that.

I shoved all my show clothes and a couple random articles like clothing into the suitcase I had. Next, my show boots, helmet and things like that were more carefully placed in their designated bag. I got changed, ran down to the stable, tacked Bentley up, and was sitting in a western saddle in the arena before Mollie was even out of the house.

20 minutes later, Mollie finally arrived, and we were off, down one of the many cascading trails on the stable property.

We soon started chatting, about the temporary lack of school, the weirdness between us and the stable trainers, etc.

"I'm a little nervous about the show, I admit Bentley has been a handful, and I think with the show nerves, it is just going to end up with me on the ground." My sister looked at me, listening. "He's just always so tense, and whenever Aunt Julie puts me on another horse, I get tense because I don't like the way they jump, and they are all headstrong, and it's a lot of work." She gave me a questioning look." I mean, not that I don't like work, but at a show, you kind of want things to go smoothly. It's just hard to run around crazy to get ready, have crapy show classes, and then run around like another crazy person trying to clean up and get ready for your classes." She nodded.

"I see what you mean." Mollie spoke up. "I don't think either of us are going to have a problem though. Our horses will take a bullet for us, so getting us around a course isn't really that hard." She gave me a smile, and I have a semi-weak smile back.

We turned around, and soon were back at the main road. All was silent until....

"RACE YA!" Mollie screamed, asking Gryffindor for a canter. I pushed Bentley forward into a gallop, and he sped past Gryffin and Mollie. Soon, we were back at the barn, laughing up a storm.

"We, are the champions!" I sang, untacking Bentley and hosing him off before putting him back in his stall. My sister gave me a mock-glare, and we took the golf cart back to the house.

After showering , I went to Mollie's room, where we watched National Velvet.

"Don't forget, only four days until the show Mollie." I turned to look at my sister, but she was already fast asleep.

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