الشوق - Longing

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مرحباً ايها الانسان..
لقد اشتقت لك..
اليوم سوف احكي لك عني من داخلك..
اعلم هذا الشوق الذي بداخلك..
لا تخفيه عني.. انا اعلمه جيدا.. انه انا..
اعلم انك تشتاق للعديد من الأشياء التي كانت بحوزتك ولكنها اختفت مثل خيط الدخان..
اعلم ان الشوق امر صعب.. ولكني من يقوي العلاقه..
ولكني ايضا في بعض الاحيان خفي..
مثل شوق امك لك..
اول يوم ذهبت الي الروضة .. كانت تشعر و كأن ضلع من ضلوعها كاد ان يُقتلع من صدرها..
ولكنك عندما تاتي من الروضه او المدرسه وداو الجامعه ينتهي الشوق لانك بجانبها.. عناق واحد يمكن ان ينهي كل حاجه ولكنها ايضا تشتاق لك..
يوم زفافك عندما ذهبت الي بيتك و تركت لها البيت فارغ.. لقد بكيت كثيرا عليك.. كانت تُنادي بإسمك و تعتقد انك مازلت بالبيت ولكنك في بيتك الخاص..
امك ثم امك ثم امك يا ولدي..
مثل شوق ابوك الخفي..
قد تراه جبل لا يمكن ان يُهز.. مثل الماء لا يمكن فصله... مثل النار لا يمكن الامساك بها ... مشاعره خفيه مثل الريح..
ولكنك لا تعلم ما بداخله...
اه يا يا ولدي لو انك تعلم ما بداخله لبكيت طول حياتك..
انه في الداخل اضعف من ما تراه..
اتتذكر يوم كنت تلعب في الجوار و قد جُرحت قدمك ..
و كان الدماء مثل الشلال ... عندما ذهبوا بك الي المشفي كي يضعوا بها الخيط.. لم تكمل فقط نصف ساعه كان ابوك بجانبك.. لقد حملك الي البيت ووضعك علي فراشك.. ثم وبخك بشده و قد اقسم انك لن تلعب في الشارع مره اخري.. لقد ظننت انه قاسي القلب لم يهتم لجرحك..
ولكني كنت بداخله اتعلم هذا الجرح الذي في قدمك!!
كان مثل الخناجر في مشاعره و قلبه.. اقسم انني رأيت دموع تخرج من عيانه ولكنه ازالها كي لا يراها احد ...
لقد كان يتمني ان يصيبه الجرح ولا ان تنزل قطره دماء منك..
سوف اقولك لك حكمه يا ولدي و اجعلها طريقك للامام..
"لا تحكم علي الاشخاص وانت لا تري ما بداخلهم"
"بداخل كل شخص قاسي... شخص طيب القلب .. انقي من الماء.. اخف من الريح.. ابرد من النار.. ألين من التربه"
مثل شوق نصفك الاخر
بالطبع شوقه لا يضاهي شوق الام و الاب ولكنك انت قلبه..
عندما تمرض انت تقلق ان تخبره.. ولكنه يعلم.. يعلم كل صغيره و كبيره بك.. لا يهم لونك او جنسيتك او دينك.. انه سوف يفعل كل شئ ليكون معك.. اتعلم ان المسافات تزيد من الشوق .. عندما انت سافرت في رحله عمل .. لقد كنت بداخله.. كانت هناك قنابل من القلق بداخله ...
هل اكل جيد..
هل استيقظ في معاده...
هل اخذ دواءه...
هل ينام جيدا...
هل صحته جيدة..
العديد و العديد من الاسئله انه مثل نصفين نصف اب و نصف ام.. نصف ام يقلق و يخاف و يحب بشده.. مثل الاب خفي المشاعر ولكن أحياناً يظهرها...
ولكن الاهم من كل هذا هو شوقك انت..
ماذا تشتاق يا ولدي..
اخبرني و كل هذا سوف يكون بداخلنا..
ماذا تشتاق؟....

(In English)
Hello, human ..
I missed you..
Today I will tell you about me inside you ..
Know this longing inside you ..
Do not hide it from me .. I know it very well .. It is me ..
I know that you miss many things that were in your possession, but they disappeared like a thread of smoke.
I know that longing is difficult .. but I am strengthening the relationship ..
But sometimes I am also invisible ..
Like your mother’s longing for you ..
The first day she went to the kindergarten, she was feeling as though one of her ribs was almost removed from her chest.
But when you come from kindergarten or school and the university daw the longing ends because you are by her side .. One hug can finish everything, but she also misses you ..
On your wedding day, when you went to your house and left the house empty for her .. I cried a lot for you .. She used to call your name and think that you are still at home, but you are in your own home ..
  Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, my son ..
Like your father's hidden longing ..
You might see a mountain that cannot be shaken ... like water that cannot be separated ... like a fire that cannot be caught ... Its hidden feelings are like the wind ..
But you don't know what's inside ...
Oh my son, if you knew what was inside, I would have cried for the rest of your life.
Inside is weaker than what you see.
Remember the day you were playing around and your foot was injured.
And the blood was like a waterfall ... When they took you to the hospital to put the thread with it .. You did not complete only half an hour Your father was beside you .. He carried you to the house and put you on your bed .. Then he scolded you severely and swore that you would not play in the street once  Another .. I thought he was heartless and did not care for your wound ..
But inside I was learning this wound on your foot !!
It was like daggers in his feelings and his heart .. I swear I saw tears coming from his eyes, but he removed them so that no one would see them ...
He had hoped that the wound would hit him and that no drop of blood would flow from you.
I will tell you his wisdom, son, and make it your way forward ..
"Don't judge people and you don't see what's inside."
"Inside every cruel person ... a kind-hearted person ... purer than water ... lighter than wind ... colder than fire ... soft from soil"
Like longing for the other half
Of course, his longing is not comparable to that of the mother and father, but you are his heart.
When you are sick, you are worried to tell him .. but he knows .. he knows all the big and small about you .. It does not matter your color, nationality or religion .. that he will do everything to be with you .. you know that the distances increase the longing .. when you traveled in  A business trip ... I was inside ... There were bombs of anxiety inside ...
Are you eating well?
Did I wake up in his habit ...
Did he take his medicine ...
Did you sleep well ...
Is he healthy?
Many and many questions are like two halves, half a father and half a mother .. half a mother who worries, fears, and loves badly ... like a father, hides feelings, but sometimes he shows them ...
But most important of all is your longing.
What do you miss my son ..
Tell me and all of this will be inside us ..
What do you miss? ....

رسائل _ Massagesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن