Chapter V

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          The four detectives went back in the headquarters after they interrogated the Salvatores. They discussed the answers of the members and worked the timeline of the events. While creating the timeline, Bard felt something wrong in the timeline.

Bard: “I am just curious about Josephine’s timeline. The maid told us that Josephine went to visit her family yesterday.”

Eric: “Correct me if I am wrong, Frea. She told us that she wasn’t present in their home yesterday.” He said.

Bard: “And also, where is Joseph? We haven’t interrogated him yet.” He said while checking the timeline of the events.

Eric: “I will call them both for interrogation.” He volunteered.

Bard: “Sure. By the way, I need to visit our new technician to check the phone of Atty. Salvatore.”

Frea: “Where is it? I will be the one who will visit him. You just have to wait the children of Sarah.” She volunteered.

Bard: “Are you sure? Here’s the phone.” Giving the smartphone to Frea.

Frea: “Yup, I am sure. Besides, I need to do something outside.” Reassuring Bard.

Bard: “Okay.”

Eric: “I already called them, just wait for them.” He said and was about to leave.

Destine: “Where are you going?” He asked while helping Bard on the timeline.

Eric: “I will just buy coffee.” He replied and left.

Bard: “I am so stressed, Destine.” He said while scratching his hair from frustration.

Destine: “Do you want me to do something?” He teased.

Bard: “Ew. You sounded so dirty.”

Destine: “What are you saying? I just want to massage your head.”

Bard: “Oh. No need haha.”

Destine: “Well, we can also do what is inside your mind.” He teased.

Bard: “Stop it, Destine. You are so disgusting.”

Destine: “That’s not disgusting. It is heavenly.” Looking him straightly in his eyes.

Bard: “I need to interrogate Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad. Fix the timeline while I am interrogating them.” Breaking the moment he can’t handle.

Destine: “Okay babe. I love you.”

Bard: “So naughty.”

In the small cell

Mrs. Soledad: “Were you not done interrogating us, bastards?”

Bard: “Watch your mouth or else you will see the light.”

Mrs. Soledad: “Why don’t ask us now? Go! Shoot it now!”

Bard: “What did you do yesterday at Mr. Salvatore’s House?”

Mrs. Layug: “We had our meeting yesterday regarding the drug transaction.”

Mrs. Soledad: “Who told you to admit the truth?! Do you have any idea how much money you will be wasting?” She said in a sarcastic tone.

Mrs. Layug: “I can’t keep it anymore, Queen. I feel guilty about it.”

Mrs. Soledad: “Wow! You feel guilt about it, mistress?!”

Mrs. Layug: “Don’t you dare calling me a mistress without knowing the whole story.” She defended.

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