Chapter VI

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July 27, 2019 7:30 a.m.

Bard: “Good morning, Destine! Join me here in our dining table.” He said as he prepared pancakes for his jealous “friend”.

Destine: “I am still full, Bard.” He answered coldly.

Bard: “If you are still jealous about what happened yesterday, forget about it.”

Destine: “Who said that I am jealous?” He said as he seated beside him.

Bard: “Are you really not jealous, babe?” He asked and turned himself beside him.

Destine: “Hey! What are you doing?!” As he and Bard faced each other.

Bard: “You want this right?” He was about to kiss him when suddenly.

Frea: “Good morning g----. What the hell?!” As she was shocked on what she saw.

Bard: “Hey! It is not what you think! I was just teasing him.” He defended.

Destine: “No, Frea. He is not teasing me. We were really about to kiss.” He teased.

Bard: “Hey!” Then slaps Destine’s shoulder.

Frea: “Whatever it is, at least my ship is sailing.” Then she whistled like a bird.

Frea: “By the way.I have here the report about the messages and calls of Mr. Salvatore.”

Bard: “What have you found?” He asked while sipping Destine’s cappuccino.

Frea: “Well, the technician found out the messages between Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad in his phone regarding the drug transaction. Of course, that is not new for us. What’s weird about it is the call recording he had with Mrs. Salvatore.” She narrated while eating pancakes.

Bard: “What’s the phone call recording all about?” He asked while eating a piece of pancake with maple syrup.

Frea: “Well, we have found out that Mrs. Salvatore threatened Atty. to kill him.”

Bard: “What’s the reason?” He asked.

Frea: “That’s what we haven’t discovered. After Sarah threatened him, the phone went off.”

Bard: “Sounds suspicious. We should visit her tomorrow.” He suggested while chewing the pancake inside his mouth.

Frea: “Why tomorrow?” She asked.

Bard: “They are currently arranging the funeral of Mr. Salvatore.” He replied.

Eric: “I’ll join you tomorrow, Bard!” He suddenly appeared.

Destine: “Where have you been?”

Eric: “I visited my uncle yesterday. Sorry if I didn’t inform you about it.”

Destine: “It is okay haha. Join us here now in the dining table.”

        While eating their breakfast, Bard secretly observing Eric’s behavior. He feels like Eric is hiding something from them.
         The next day, Eric, Frea and Bard went immediately to Sarah’s house to ask her about the call and also to investigate more evidence on their home.

Sarah: “It’s been three days yet you haven’t found the killer. Are you really great detectives?” she asked sarcastically.

Bard: “Don’t worry, Ma’am. After I asked you, I guess we know who is the killer.” Then he smirked at her.

Sarah: “So what are you trying to say? That I killed my husband?”

Eric: “Sorry to interrupt you. Bard, I will look around first.” Then he leaves them.

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