Chapter 4

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Millie was taking a while upstairs so I went to check on her, I knocked on my bedroom door and poked my head around and saw her looking at the onesie once it's one her in the mirror by the sides of my bed, I smiled and walked over behind her, she looked adorable, -thank you for letting me wear this, I love it..- I smiled at how polite and grateful she is just for a little thing but it shows that she have had very little presents as a child or maybe none.

-do you want me to plait your hair for you?..- she looked at me with her eyes wide and sparkling, and she nodded, I laughed and gestured for her to sit on the bed and I sat behind her and done her hair.

-you look like elsa now..- I said and she looked confused and I realised that she properly haven't seen any Disney movies, -it's a queen in a kids movie..- and she smiled and yawned, I'm starting to get attached to her, I already feel like she's mine even know I only met her a few hours ago, I care for her like one and I love her, I mean she's so fragile and little and I want to protect her like a mother.

I stroked her forehead and smiled at her, -lets get you to bed..- she climbed over to the right side of my bed and I pulled the cover over her and I slid in on the left side, I gently pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around her protectively and testing my chin on her head.

-goodnight sweetie..- I whispered and she snuggled up to me better, -goodnight...?- she said hoping I would say my name and I remembered I haven't told her, -Angie..- I say and she yawns tiredly, -goodnight angie..-

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