Chapter 29

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Today is Millie's first day at school and once she's in school, Violetta and German are coming over to help decorate her room as all her stuff has come but I've hidden it. she's up and ready well im just putting her uniform right on her, her hairs done I put them in pigtails with little pink bows in them and once we both was ready we walked to the school.

-do you think the other children will like me..- she said as I was holding her hand to walk and I looked down on her and I can see she's a little nervous so I hugged her into my side, -of course they'll like you..- I said and I could see her relax a bit, once we got to her class room doors, I went down on my knees so I was the same height as her and hugged her tightly, -have a good first day and I'll be waiting right her for you when it's home Time..- I said and she nodded and looked at the teacher who was waiting to take her in and looked back at me, I give her a reinsuring smile and she took the woman teachers hand and they went inside. I just hope she will have a good day.
-------time skip-------

German and Violetta are here and we are decorating Millie's room, we done the painting part in the first two hours so that means we only have three. Hours to do as much as we can before I pick Millie up, we won't finish it today but we made a good start on it.

I grabbed a stool and went to put some decorations up while Violetta was doing the girly stuff and German hanging the curtains, -Angie what you doing? Get down I'll do it, you know how clumsy you are..- German said and I looked down at him and raised my eyebrows and he smiled at me, -I'll be fine..- I said and lent over to the wall to put the decoration on when my leg slipped of the stool and I fell but I didn't hit the ground.

I looked up to see that German caught me, he smiled done to me while I blushed and shook my head as he was right that I am clumsy but I weren't going to admit it now and let him win, -can I do it now clumsy or do I have to stand by here and get ready for when you fall of again?..- he laughed and I smiled as he put me down and I let him do it.

I looked to my right and saw Vilu smiling huge at us and I shook my head to tell her not to get any ideas, -don't blame me if you fall now..- I said to German as I went to hang up the curtains and turned my back to German and Violetta so I wouldn't see Vilu wink at me and German smile cheekily.

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