C101. An Underachieving School Hunk and Bully (8)

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Song Wen answers him while Ah Zhao doesn't even turn around.

Gu Cheng stops for a second and calls again: "Tang Zhao."

This time Ah Zhao replies: "What?"

"Add my account. I'll show you how to play."

Song Wen turns around in surprise: "Brother Cheng, what is wrong with you? You never take anyone with you in the game."

Ah Zhao turns around and looks at him as well.

Gu Cheng says indifferently: "I'm in a good mood today. Old Kai has said that classmates should help each other."

Song Wen holds back his laughter: "If Old Kai knows how you help your classmate in games..."

Ah Zhao looks at him with suspicion: "You? Are you a good player?"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Song Wen: "..."

The temperature around them drops a few degrees.

Song Wen couldn't hold back his laughter any longer while patting on the desk: "Hahahaha, do you hear that Brother Cheng? Are you a good player?"

Gu Cheng is silent for two seconds and glances at Ah Zhao with mixed feelings: "You are the first one to ask me such a question."


Ah Zhao tells him her ID.

Ah Zhao.

Gu Cheng looks at this simple ID and sighs secretly. As expected, only a truly good student could have a game ID as boring as hers.

He adds her in the game.

Invincible requires to add you as a friend.

Ah Zhao: "..."

She returns a glimpse at Gu Cheng with the same mixed feelings and thinks the male lead of this world is a childish teenager.

However, something else draws her attention soon enough.

Gu Cheng isn't good at studying, but he is killing it in the game.

In the game, Ah Zhao follows him and watches how he takes five enemies at once.

In her word, she hasn't prepared herself and the game has already ended.

Gu Cheng kills five enemies quickly. He looks at Ah Zhao and raises his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm a good player now?"

Ah Zhao blinks and sighs: "Well, it will be nice if you are as good a student as you are a gamer."

Gu Cheng: "..."

The temperature seems to go down one more degree.

He says gloomily: "We can be friends as long as you don't mention study."

Ah Zhao gives him a cold shoulder: "Who says anything about being friends with you?"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Song Wen laughs bending forward: "Hahahaha, Brother Cheng, it never occurs to you that you'll have today, does it? Well, it's so funny."

Gu Cheng sneers: "You are a bookworm. What can you do except study?"

Ah Zhao doesn't like how he puts it.

She looks at Gu Cheng with provocation: "Is that what you think?"

Gu Cheng doesn't speak any more. His cold expression explains everything.

Ah Zhao suddenly comes up with a solution.

Her task in this world is to help him, an underachiever.

She laughs all of a sudden: "How about we make a bet?"

Gu Cheng: "Not interested."

Ah Zhao sneers. Not interested? "Are you afraid?"

Gu Cheng: "Bet on what?"

Ah Zhao waves the phone in her hand: "I'll show you what's a top student is in five minutes."

Gu Cheng is suspicious: "How?"

Ah Zhao looks at the time: "No time for explanation. Are you going to take the bet or not?"

"What's at stake?"

Ah Zhao narrows her eyes in a smile: "If I win, you and you."

She points at Gu Cheng and Song Wen who is standing beside her: "Study hard every day and improve your grades."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Song Wen: "..."

Ah Zhao raises her eyebrows in provocation since Gu Cheng is silent: "Afraid?"

She learns that expression from Gu Cheng.

What she doesn't know is that the expression doesn't look arrogant on her round and chubby face. On the contrary, she looks like a bunny trying to be intimidating.

However, she isn't intimidating at all, instead, she is cute.

Gu Cheng glances at her. Though he thinks it's stupid, he already agrees to do it:

"Deal." Click the external link to read next chapter!

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