C130. An Underachieving School Hunk and Bully (37)

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When school starts again, the students of Class 2 of Qingyuan Second High School quickly finds that something is wrong.

In fact, it's not them who are quick but Gu Cheng who's showing it way too obvious.

The school bully and the most handsome boy of Class 2 has turned into a good student who works hard every day from an underachiever.

He isn't late or quits classes early. Nor does he skip classes or sleep through them anymore.

He listens to the lectures, makes notes and does his homework carefully.

What's most terrifying is that he rises hundreds of places from the last one of the grade after the first exam of the term and passes every one of the courses.

The Union of Underachievers like Song Wen is guessing if their Brother Cheng has been possessed by some strange spirits.

Song Wen has taken Gu Cheng aside secretly while asking him a load of stupid questions.


"Brother Cheng, do you remember how we first met?"

Hearing that, Gu Cheng sneers: "Of course."

Song Wen was frivolous and whistled at Gu Cheng at the first day of school.

Gu Cheng kicked his ass directly.

And now he looks at Song Wen and sneers inside. There's an old score to settle.

Therefore, Gu Cheng answers Song Wen with his action during the 20-minute break.

When the bell for class rings, Ah Zhao is shocked by her deskmate who comes limping inside.

"Song Wen, what did you do?" How come he looks like he was beaten up, again?

Song Wen sits down heavily on his chair and grimaces in pain. Gu Cheng was so evil that he beat him at places where nobody would notice.

It's painful as hell and others couldn't tell.

Of course, he didn't give him a fracture either.

He smiles: "Nothing. Just fell."

As he speaks, he seems to remember something and asks carefully: "Sister Tang, nothing strange happened when you were tutoring Brother Cheng during the summer holiday, right?"

Ah Zhao asks in return: "What strange things?"

Seeing her reaction, Song Wen sets his mind at ease.

Good, good. Nothing happened.

It seems that his Brother Cheng was a good guy after all.

But he's setting his mind at ease way too early.

As soon as the third class ends, many girls flutter around Gu Cheng.

This time, Gu Cheng doesn't smile. Nor does he let them get closer.

He tells them sternly: "Don't come here anymore."

Those girls are at a loss.

"I decide to put my mind into study for the last year of high school. Most importantly..."

He glances at the front row casually: "I have someone in my heart."

A girl doesn't mind and says: "It's okay. We can come back when you are tired of her."

Everyone knows that Gu Cheng changes girlfriends quicker than he does his clothes.

However, Gu Cheng turns dark all of a sudden.

"Don't say that in front of me again." He seldom puts up a gloomy face in front of girls so they are all frightened by him.

"I won't get tired of her and won't have any other girlfriends. Please leave, or I'll tell my head teacher."

Girls are after all more sensitive. Hearing his unwelcome words, they don't linger long and leave soon.

The boys at the back row surround Gu Cheng and heckle: "What are you playing at, Brother Cheng? It couldn't be you've met the love of your life and decided to reform yourself and start your life afresh?"

They are laughing, clearly making fun of him.

Who could have thought that Gu Cheng nods and confirms: "Yes."

Ignoring how shocked they are, he looks around him and says:

"I've found the love of my life so don't joke about that anymore or she'll be unhappy about that." Click the external link to read next chapter!

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