C124. An Underachieving School Hunk and Bully (31)

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After the father and son cold-shoulder each other for quite a while, Gu Hong offers his ultimate secret of success.

"I won your mom's heart by doing that." Gu Hong says secretly

Gu Cheng becomes interested: "What?"

At nine in the morning.

Ah Zhao arrives at Gu Cheng's on time.

What's strange is that the boy who always waits for her at the door isn't there today.

She feels a little uncomfortable since she's used to someone waiting for her as soon as she arrives.

She enters the house and there's nobody inside either.

"Gu Cheng?" She calls and nobody answers.

"Uncle Gu?"

Still no answer.

That's strange. Could it be that you aren't home today?

Ah Zhao takes out her phone and calls Gu Cheng.

Somebody picks up soon.

"Hello, Tang Zhao."

Ah Zhao hears the sound of water faintly.

"I'm at your house now. Aren't you home?" She asks.

Gu Cheng says: "I am. Just a moment, I'll be with you in a minute."

Then she hears the sound of splashing water on Gu Cheng's side.

Is he having a shower? Ah Zhao thinks.

Gu Cheng's voice rises again: "Tang Zhao, can you do me a favor?"

He sounds a little embarrassed.


"I'm at the swimming pool on the third floor. I forgot to bring my clothes. Can you get them for me?"

Ah Zhao hesitates for a second.

Gu Cheng listens to the other end of the line quietly. He opens his mouth since he doesn't hear anything from Ah Zhao: "I can go downstairs myself if it's not convenient for you. But I'm dripping wet which..."

Ah Zhao interrupts him: "All right. Where are your clothes?"

Gu Cheng's energy returns to him: "They are in my room. I've packed them but forgot to bring them with me."

Ah Zhao says: "Okay. I'll get you your clothes."

She hangs up and pushes open the door of Gu Cheng's bedroom where she sees a few pieces of clean clothes lying on the bed.

She finds a bag as the container and goes up to the third floor.

The third floor is actually a rooftop. Besides a swimming pool, there's a little garden, two big rocking chairs, and two immense sunshades which totally block the sun over them.

When Ah Zhao walks up, Gu Cheng is swimming.

She's drawn by the figure in the water.

Gu Cheng's body is beautiful. His skin is white, not the abnormal kind of paleness but a charming fairness with an ivory glow.

His robust figure goes up and down in the water like a fish. One can take in his beautiful figure at a glance.

Ah Zhao stands there and admires that view for a while until Gu Cheng "finds" that she's here.

He takes off his swimming goggles and strokes his wet hair while leaning on the sidewall, smiling at her: "Look who's here."

Drops of water run down from his hair ends and fall on his collarbone then slide down along his beautiful muscles and into the water.

Ah Zhao has to admit that this Gu Cheng does make her perturbed.

That's not the end of story.

When she nods and hands over the bag in her hand, the one that's leaning on the sidewall props himself up with both his hands and gets out of the swimming pool.

Since they are close, the spray of water spatters the hem of Ah Zhao's dress and meanwhile, the boy's beautiful six-pack abs greet her eyes.

It never occurs to Ah Zhao that Gu Cheng, who's called "Flower of Second High" has such an athletic build without clothes on.

Looking at the girl who's staring blankly at him, Gu Cheng is more than pleased with himself.

It turns out his dad was right: Having a good look is not enough. Girls love boys in good shapes.

Gu Hong: That's right. My secret to success is seducing her with your body. Next chapter ↓↓ (External Link Below ↓↓)

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