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|| Warning!: Descriptive gruesome scene ahead!! ||

The sky was stained a gloomy grey as large clouds began to shift over the sun.

It's almost like it knew.

A small girl stood at the door of her home. Her home which was stained in blood. Attempting to control her breathing, she stayed at the entrance, the door slightly ajar. She could feel the fear rising up to her chest, she needed to know. Are they alive? She drew a shaking breath and pushed the door more open, as it let out an eerie creak. Just as she took her first few steps inside, she heard it start raining.

She continued to search around the house, so cautious you wouldn't even believe she lived there. "H-hello?" She breathed out.


"Mom! Dad!"

Still nothing.

She walked around, ready to bend fire at anything that would even vaguely threaten her. Suddenly she smelled something metallic. Like, copper.. or blood. She quickened her pace to follow the scent to the best of her ability, which led her to the master bedroom. She burst into the room to find the sight of nightmares.

The room was destroyed, an obvious sign of a struggle. In the back corner her mother was in an unnatural position, with her head far back, blood staining every bit of her clothing and skin. She had many cuts and burns along her body. Near the center of the room was her father, also clearly dead. His right arm had been severed from his body and was no where to be seen. He had the same amount of cuts, bruises and burns of the girls mom. 

She barely had time to breathe.

She let out a scream that could wake the whole fire nation. No, no, no, no! They can't be dead! "Mom! Dad! Please wake up!" The girl screamed this, all while knowing deep down that it wouldn't be possible. She was crying so much her head began to ache from the lack of fluids, and her world was spinning. She began stepping back, like her body was saying, 'If you run now, you'll be fine'. But she knew running was useless. She screamed again, unable to fathom what was before her, right before she was knocked out cold.

|| A/N ||

Yooooooo! Thanks for reading! I hope you stick around for the rest of the story ;) Sorry it's so short, other chapters will be MUCH longer! 

|| Bye guys ^^ ||

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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