chapter 17

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trigger sexual assault warning


yesterday was hard. when I got back to the dorms I told sam everything and how I am feeling bout billie. sam said I should give her a second chance since she seemed to change. but I don't know, I don't want to get my hopes up for her to just break them. after breakfast since we both had a free day we just watch some old Disney movies on my bed. and that how we spent our Friday.

I woke to sam pacing around the room stressed. I sit up and ask her what going on

Sam: I don't know what to wear

Tyler: didn't josh ask you to wear his jersey

sam: but what should I pair it with?

Tyler: those cute jean short you have

Sam: your right, that why were friends

I was about to lay back down until I see it already 10:30. I decide to get up because the game start at 1:30, and their going to be a big tailgate since it homecoming. I get up and take a shower and put on some jean shorts with a cropped USC shirt. I did my makeup and I looked at my phone and see its 12 and a text from billie. I hestiantly open up the text and see

billie: hey I know it still pretty awkward between us, and I know it my fault. I just wanted to apologize again. I'm sorry I should have texted you and shouldn't have left you hanging. to be honest I don't know what was going through my head I'm an idiot sometimes. can we go back to the way we were before please.

I read that text about 10 times. I keep thinking what I'm going to respond with.

Tyler: hey it's ok maybe we hang out soon.

it like she was watch the screen waiting for my text because as soon as I sent it, it said it was read by her. I immediately got the 3 bubble signals she was responding.

billie: awesome are you free today I can come and pick you up in like 20 mins

oh no I have homecoming

Tyler: sorry Im busy today maybe another day

billie: come on I thought we were cool again

Tyler: we are whats the problem?

billie: I get it I messed up the last time we were suppose to hang out, now you don't want to again. so are you even going to give me another chance?

is this bitch serious. does she think the world revolves around her and everything she does. so people have prior commitments.

Tyler: not everything revolves around your schedules billie. sometimes people make commitments that we have to stick too.

billie: sure what so important then?

Tyler: its fucking homecoming one of the biggest days of the year. I'm sorry I don't want to miss it

billie: whatever

I just left her on read because I could take any more of her energy. I look up to sam and see her finish getting ready. we make our way out of the campus and on to the stadium. we decide to eat before we enter the stadium. we find some other girls from the team and we get some burgers and sit together under a tree in the park. we all talk about what been happening, I mentioned everything but my personal life with billie. they did ask about her though because of my recent follower gain. but I just keep the conversation To it minimum. we finished and made our way into the stadium. the stadium was so lively for the game. after a few minute the team runs on to the field and they start to play. by the time the game ended we won by 14 points and everyone was screaming like madmen.

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