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Life is not Fairy tale. If you lose your shoe at midnight it're DRUNK

Prachi's POV

At evening I asked Diksha while getting ready "Why didn't you eat the cake?" I was curious as because pregnant ladies become more hungrier than usual.

But in reply she just shrugged. I wore the jumpsuit which Cassie bought for me and I was going to tie my hair in ponytail but Diksha stopped me and said "Hold on beautiful, you are not going attend a school function" she took brush and after combing she said "you are ready, leave the hair open. A girl looks more captivating when she opens her hair." I just rolled my eyes.

I called Cassie as she messaged me that we will go together.

She came in different car, wait a second she is not driving then who is driving? She said "Hop in, Prachi" But who is he? After sitting I mouthed 'who is he?' She said "Prachi meet my brother Caleb,Caleb meet my BFF." I smiled and said "Hello" but in reply he just nodded, such a great way to say hello (Note the sarcasm).

" I smiled and said "Hello" but in reply he just nodded, such a great way to say hello (Note the sarcasm)

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Caleb Collins

In the whole drive Caleb was glancing at me through mirror and most of the time I caught him staring at me.

After reaching the venue, I asked her "why you both siblings doesn't resemble each other?" She gave me a gloomy smile and said "I'm adopted" I look at her pitiful.

All of sudden she laughed and said "stupid, I'm joking. He is my cousin brother but my father treat him like his own son." I nodded and lightly punched her but in return she sheepishly smiled.

I asked Cassie "What's the name of hotel?" She replied "SHOTS CLUB" I nodded but wait WHAT. I screamed "They are organising there company's anniversary at Club."

Cassie tried to calm me" Chill Prachi, It is not teenage party and I will be with you, Don't worry" We entered the club and guess what? People were sticking to each other.

I glared at Cassie, she gulped and mouthed 'sorry'. But where is Xavier? Someone whispered at my ear "looking for me Pikachu" I turned to found Xavier standing too close.

I said "First, keep one hand distance from me and Second, stop giving nicknames." I love Pikachu, he is damn cute but who gives this type of nickname, He smirked and said "Mr. White she is going to be new Head of Finance Department."

Mr. White came towards me and said "Best of luck my child and Yes! Meet your PA Anand Joshi." I looked at him, Woah the mall guy.

" I looked at him, Woah the mall guy

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Anand Joshi

Cassie said smirkingly, "Well, hello to you, Now you better watch your tongue before-" she was cut off by Xavier "Mr.Anand what you said to Prachi, you better apologize-" Now I cut off him" No, Mr.Knight he didn't said to me anything, don't scold him." Xavier glared at him, Cassie poked "No Mr.Knight you are-" Now Cassie cut off by Aaron "What's going on?"

I replied "Nothing Aaron, let's enjoy the party." I glared at Cassie and mouthed 'shut up'. I looked at Anand, he gave me a nervous smile, I smiled back. Xavier cleared his throat and said "I need to talk to Prachi." Aaron asked while smirking "Personal?" Xavier replied "Professional."

After dragging me out of club he said "You look Gorgeous when you open your hair." I frowned and said "So, it's professional?" He rolled his eyes and said "You should blush." I replied "And you should shut up, Now let's go and I didn't know that you are barber."

He gave me a look and asked "No, I'm not a barber." I laughed and said "Then, why did you complimented me about my hair."

He shook his head and started walking like a stubborn child who doesn't get his toy. After entering I searched for Cassie but she no where to found Such a loyal I got(Note the sarcasm).

Xavier asked "Wanna join me?" I negatively nodded, he dragged me while saying "I didn't ask." I defended "But it sounded like a question." He replied "That's your fault".

He said to bartender "One Margarita for me and for her-" I cut off him and said "Lemonade." Bartender nodded.

Soon Both Steve and Aaron joined us. Steve said "let's play the game- Shot winner." Both Xavier and Aaron unisonly said "bring it on"

By hearing the game name I can say that they are going to drink millions of shots. So it's better to be stay away from the drunkards. They started their game and I don't know when I fall asleep.

After having a power nap, I look at my watch and it's 12:30am and I'm still in the club and by the way where is Cassi- "Hey Pikachu look I won" I saw Xavier who was wobbling and smiling like an idiot, Steve and Aaron has passed out in bar counter only.

I tried to wake up Steve because how will go they home, he rubbed his eyes and gave me a goofy smile and said "Hellooooooooo Sissy" I asked "you are not drunk" he nodded "Only 4 shots, I know I have to drive the car, So-- but wait why don't you drop Xavier and I'll drop Aaron."

I looked at Xavier who was hugging Aaron like they both are husband and wife. I asked "Can't I drop Aaron?" He gave me a wicked smile and said "Not happening. "

I grumpily walk towards them and cleared my throat to get attention as they both were busy in hugging each other. Both jumped away as like they were having affair and I caught them red handed.

Xavier asked "You want kiss?" He started kneeling his face towards but before he can kiss me I slapped his forehead and "No you stupid, let's go" I dragged him while he was massaging his forehead.

At parking lot, he adamantly said "I am going to drive and that's final." I didn't said anything I just snatched the keys.

He pouted and set in the car. I asked him "tell me the address?" He gave me a innocent smile and said "Hell" Now I'm controlling myself to not throw him out of the car.

I called Steve then he guided me. After like one hour we finally reached; the security opened the gate after seeing his owner's drunken state. Again I have to drag him, all of sudden he said "You smell like Vanilla cream." He sniffed again to get confirm and moaned, the maid was trying not smile. He came near my ear and huskily said "I want to eat you."

I pushed him away and he fall in the floor and said while rubbing his butt"Oww!" I angrily replied "And I want to kill you" The maid smiled at me and said "I'll take him to bedroom you can go, Ma'am" I replied "No need to call me ma'am and Bye."

Xavier is behaving strangely, Pervert-Jerk.

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