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What's your favourite Bollywood/Hollywood movie?

Xavier's POV
I rubbed my eyes, and look at the watch oh,it's 5'o clock, I sighed in relief that I didn't wake up late.

Clara walked in the room with my breakfast, she is elder than me and have a cute son of six-year-old and his husband works in my hotel as a Chief Cook.

Clara smiled and said "Good Morning sir" I smiled and nodded. I remembered, In the first day of work only she declared that she will call me Sir and she is damn stubborn so there is no use of argument.

But how did I came to my house as I went to the club my own and If I remember Steve didn't dropped me.

I asked Clara "Who dropped me, last night." She said "I don't know her name sir but she smells like vanilla."

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked "What? How did you know that she smells like vanilla? Did you sniffed her?" She chuckled and said "No sir, but you sniffed her and you also said that you wanted to eat her."

I gulped and asked "Did she was wearing a jumpsuit?" She immediately nodded and said "And her hair was open." SHIT

Clara asked "Sir, does she know you?" I only nodded because I am processing that I made myself a fool infront of Prachi. She again asked "Sir, does she works under you?" I again nodded, she again asked "Do you like her?" I again nodded WAIT ,WHAT?

Clara did a victory dance and said "Caught you Sir, the way you were looking at her last night can anyone tells that you like her?" I tried not smile and asked "And how she was looking at me?"

She giggled and said "The way she was looking like she might stab you with knife" I pouted 'Indian girls are damn hard to get; Poor Indian Guys'. Since now is Prachi is HOD of Finance, So now again I have to appoint a PA. Urgh.

Suddenly Aaron called 'Hey bro, did you appointed someone for PA." I negatively nodded, he replied "I cannot see your nodding head in the damn phone call." I huffed in annoyance sometimes he behaves like King's of Jerk.

I replied "I know one person who can be my PA" he innocently asked "Who?" I smirked "You will see, Bye!Lemon 😂" I grinned eviliy and called Nina Link. She is ex-girlfriend of Aaron.

They both liked each other but are very adamant to admit it. Let's do a good deed by bringing them together and who knows God will payback me by bringing Prachi closer to me.

Clara brought back me to reality by saying "Sir, you are getting late" I rush to the bathroom.

Prachi's POV
I was getting ready while thinking about Diksha; she is not behaving like a pregnant woman. Something is fishy.

I need to call Aunty(Diksha's mother) but before I can call her, mom called me and said "Don't go to work today Prachi, Please" Did 'my mom' just said please, I think today everything is fishy.

I asked "But why?" She smiled with tearful eyes" My Princess Rhea got a marriage proposal and they are coming today only for breakfast." Okay, so the troublemaker is leaving the house😂. But I can't take off as it's my first day as a HOD of Finance.

"I can't take off and by the way what I will do here." Rhea replied "They belong to an orthodox family so I need to wear a Saree and even mom doesn't know how to wear. And don't worry, you don't have to take a leave; you will just got a little late. So inform them that today you will come before lunch time."

[Saree = A saree is an Indian woman’s grace. It is a garment that is almost 5 to 8 meters long. It is typically wrapped around the waist, with one end draped over the shoulder, baring a portion of the midriff.]

Not a bad idea so I nodded. Diksha asked "Aunty, we have to also wear a saree?" Mom nodded, after dressing trio I thought now I am free but Rhea insisted "Prachi you also wear one; If you will be there I will not get nervous." She genuinely requested, so I smiled and wore one of the saree which mom has brought for us.

" She genuinely requested, so I smiled and wore one of the saree which mom has brought for us

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Prachi's Saree

I messaged Xavier that I will come before lunch break. Soon the door bell rung and mom gestured me to open it as Diksha is still helping Rhea with makeup.

I opened the door to meet my PA Anand Joshi. He was equally shocked like me. Mom cleared her throat and asked "come dear, please sit." Anand's mother asked "Do you know each other?"

Before Anand can reply, I said "yeah, we both worked in the same company." I can't just say he works under me as his parents are orthodox so they might don't like there son working under a girl.'Narrow minded 😒'

Soon Diksha bring Rhea who was constantly blushing but why suddenly Diksha stopped dead in her tracks like she saw a ghost?Dose she know Anand or his parents? But Anand was admirably lookingat Rhea. Something is very odd. I need to call Aunty (Diksha's mother) as soon as possible.

After there chit-chats they finalised their engagement at the end of week. And in the whole conservation Diksha was clenching her fist like she is controlling herself. Anand said "Mom I need to go now," he looked and asked "If you don't have any problem can I drop Prachi also." Mom replied "No dear, I don't have any problem"

After sitting in the car Anand said "Thanks Ms. Mehra for saving me." I nodded and said "You can call me Prachi and by the way do you know Diksha?" He negatively nodded and asked "But why?" I smiled and shrugged.

After entering the office I was thinking about Diksha only but why everyone is staring at me. SHIT I came wearing saree only. Oh God!

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