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My mind is like my web browser. 19 tabs are open, 3 are frozen and I have no idea where the music is coming from.

Prachi's POV
"Xavier? Xavier?" I slapped Xavier lightly to bring him back from la la land. I concernly asked "you okay?" He sheepishly smiled and took the glass from my hand and drank it in one breath.

Woah, he might be very thirsty. He said "So, you're looking good." I narrowed my eyes at him. Why he is behaving strangely.

He asked "When is your sister going to get married?" I replied while analysing a file "Only engagement day is fixed till now which is going to be held this weekend and you're not invited." I mentally laughed at my last part.

I was waiting for his comeback but he didn't said anything. I looked up from file and saw him staring at my waist. Oh, he is busy that's why he didn't replied but wait a second.

I screamed at him" Prevert Jerk! Get out from the cabin!" He innocently asked "What have I done now?"

I gave him a sweet sarcastic smile and said "Nothing, you were just staring at my waist which is not a decent act. So leave now before I throw this laptop at your face." After hearing the threats he ran away. PREVERT

Xavier's POV
I came out of the cabin and saw that my two useless friends were waiting for me. Aaron excitedly asked "Any progress?" Steve eagerly asked "Did you both kiss?"

I grumpily replied " yeah I was about to kiss Prachi's laptop" They showed me faked sympathy for few seconds and after that they started laughing like a hyena and soon I joined them too.

Prachi's POV
(At home)
Everyone was busy on making list of guest as the engagement cards and dresses for us has come.

I was trying Aunty's number from past 2 hours it is still unavailable. I should not be slothful and do nothing. I think I should visit that hospital where I advises her to go for the check-up.

I said to Mom" Mom I'm going out?" Mom asked "It's 7'o clock dear, where are you going?" She is behaving very nicely to me I don't know why but I'm happy. I lied "Going to invite my friends also" I took few cards so that she believes. She nodded and I walked outside.

At hospital
I asked the receptionist " Is Dr.Smith available?" She said "No he is in holiday. He'll come on next week" I gloomily nodded.

I was walking outside until I saw a familiar figure-- Xavier!! What he is doing here, oh wait he's not alone. He is with a pregnant lady,Is she his girlfriend or wife?

Let's follow them Prachi Drew🤣. They stopped at ultrasound section. Oh, so today they're gonna know they're child's gender. Hmmm interesting.

That lady spoke " Xavier,You are an amazing person and I am the luckiest person in the world because you are my brother not by blood but by heart. I love you more than you can imagine, thank you for being the brother everybody wants to have." Oops😒 wrong guessing.

Xavier smiled "Shut up, who thanks there siblings. And take care Aaron might be coming as both he has more rights to know about his child" ohhhhhhhh!

Xavier was walking towards his car I stopped him" hello Xavier, how are you?" He looked here and there and said "Did you called me?" I confusedly nodded

He said "Are you following me just to throw a laptop?" I laughed at his statement. I replied while smiling "No, I inviting you at sister's engagement. Here take this. By the way you're nice guy."

He stopped me and said "Come I'll drop and how do you know I'm nice guy Pikachu?" I glared at him ,now he laughed.

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