Chapter 1

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---- Hello, Readers! This is my first time writing on Wattpad, so tell me what you think! This book is all mine, an original. Hopefully it will be good. Below this note, I will explain, as the narrator, the scene beforehand. Thoughts are italics, I will put whose POV  it is. Toodles, - Viviann264------

Vera's POV

¨On the bus! Everyone on the bus! Put your backpacks in front of you, on your lap, whatever. Just keep them with you! The rest of the luggage, such as sample boxes, or your microscopes, can go above your head in the individual luggage compartments! Oh, and don't forget your clothes!¨  The loud shouts from the bus driver, Ander, rang through the crisp, clean air.

I heaved my hunter green duffle into the compartment above my assigned seat. The name tag next to me said ¨Jack Ramirez¨. I stared at it in disbelief. --Wait a minute, Jack's here! Jack was here, like Jack the guy from Math Class, Jack who I liked for two whole years-- I quickly scanned the other name tags to see if anyone else from school was here.  The row next to me said ¨Alina Rodriguez and Sam Martinez¨. 

In front of me was ¨Estelle Whipman and Charlie Thomas¨. There was only 2 other rows, occupied by ¨Cassie Longbranch and Liam Ewing¨ and ¨ Selena Campos-Díez and Luke Estes¨ In the very front was the driver, Ander Longbranch. While I was looking around the bus, the other people started filing in. Alina, the girl next row, came over and introduced herself.

¨Hola! I am Alina Rodriguez, who are you?¨ She cheerfully exclaimed. 

I quickly replied ¨Soy Vivianna! Are you Hispanic too?¨ An expression of shock crossed her face.

¨Si! Yo soy Cubana y Mexicana! Y tu?¨ She exclaimed.

¨Mexicana, Hispaniola, Nativo Americano, y Nativo Mexicana... It is a lot, I know.¨ I told her.

¨Really? But you look so, so....¨ She hesitantly said.

¨White? My dad was American, but Cherokee, and my mother is a full-blooded Latina.¨ I explained.

¨Sorry for assuming, I should not have.¨ She said.

¨Es muy bueno, Alina.¨

¨See you later!¨ She waved goodbye and went back to her seat. 

While we were talking, everyone else had come in, including Jack. They were all chatting, or putting away their luggage. Jack walked down the aisle towards our seat. I quickly turned away, trying to look busy. --I wonder if he will recognize me. He looks somewhat the same, but is more... handsome... now.-- I sat down and hid my face in a book as he put away his bags. 

¨Vera!?! What are you doing here?¨ He blurted out, looking shocked. --Guess that answers my question-- 

¨Nice to see you too Jack.¨ I said, rolling my eyes. ¨I was invited. Were you?¨

He quickly sat down. ¨Yeah, I was. I haven't seen you for two years! Where did you go? Why did you leave?¨

¨I left because when I moved, they wouldn't let me continue my schooling at Linder Ridge. I went to a charter school for a little bit, then I went to Silver Valley Middle in Ballantyne.¨ I told him.

¨Ballantyne? The rich part of town? Is that where you moved?¨ He asked. 

¨Yes, I did move to Ballantyne.¨ I replied.

My interrogation was interrupted by the driver. ¨Alright! Everyone is on board, yeah? Good. We will be heading through the Dry Valleys to get to the camp. Buckle up, buttercups!¨ He shouted.

We quickly put on our seat belts as a buzz of whispers enveloped the bus. --Dry Valley! The one place in Antarctica where there is no snow! I can't wait!-- Jack leaned over me to reach his bag, getting a book, his phone, and weirdly, a blanket.

¨Are you cold?¨ He asked, turning towards me with the blanket in his hands.

I looked at him. ¨Yes, why?¨ He unfolded his blanket and covered both of us with it.

¨That's why.¨ He said ¨When you left school, I asked your friend if I could contact you or something. She said she didn't have your email.¨ 

¨Yeah, she told me you asked... Miss me?¨ I asked cheekily.

He blushed, and replied ¨I guess I did.¨ 

I blushed and hid my face in my book. He laughed and shifted closer to me, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me into his side. I leaned into him. --What, he is warm! I don't still like him or anything.-- He fixed the blanket and started reading his book.


--Hello, my beauties! How did you enjoy that chapter? Was it good? Quick question, what should be the Ship name? Javianna or Javia. I do not want to name it Vick because that sounds weird. Bye! -Viviann246 --

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