08. broken coastline

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Velez looks through the window. Velez is alone in a room. She walks through the room and sat down on a couch with her gun in her hands. She was deep in thoughts. "Now you love her." She always had to think about this sentence. Maybe Nairobi is wrong. She don't even had one good moment with him. She touched her neck. It still hurts. She always had to think about that Palermo didn't said a word as Nairobi said that. He didn't interrupted her. But then she had to think about the good moments with him. Like when they danced drunk in her room or when he defends her. She starts smiling. It feels good to think about these good moments.

"Hey" the voice of Denver interrupted her thoughts. He looks at her, didn't said a other word.

"What happened?" he asks her and goes near her.

"Are you okay?" he asks. She knows that he talks about this thing with Palermo.

"Yeah, don't worry about it" Velez replied and smiled at him.

"If you have any love problems or any other problems, I am there for you and listen to you. You know that, don't you?" Velez smiled and nodded. She knows Denver is a good friend.

"I know and you can talk to me too" she replied and hugged him. Velez looks over Denver's shoulder and see's that Palermo just entered the room. Palermo looks at them with an slightly angry face and Velez let go of Denver.

"Are we in a Love Movie?" Palermo asks ironic. Velez looks at him angry. Denver turns around. "Denver I thought I've told you to stay with the hostages. So, what the hell are you doing here?!" Denver wanted to say something and opens his mouth but then he closed his mouth again and just left without saying anything. Palermo wanted to left too but Velez stopped him.

"Palermo, I asked myself If I should feel bad about that what happened today but I did nothing wrong" she tries to explain but were interrupted by Palermo.

"Could you stop talking and start working?!" he asks angry.

"Come here" she said and Palermo looks at her confused.


"Come here" she repeated and Palermo goes near her. "Sit down" she said while she sat down on a chair and pointed to the other chair. Palermo still looked confused but sat down.

"What?" he asks.

"Could you please calm down?" she asks. "The only thing you do is screaming. I'm just asking you to calm down,please?" Palermo didn't answer. "Is your eye still hurt?" Palermo shook his head. "Have you tried again if you can see?" Palermo shook his head.

"Helsinki said It would be better today" he answered without looking at her.

"Well, let's try" Velez said and Palermo looks at her. "May I?" He didn't answered and then finally nodded. Velez took off his blindfold and brushed his hair with her fingers to the side. Her face is near his face. She can feel his breathe on her skin. "Open your eyes" Palermo does what she said and his blue eye looked in her greene eyes. His eyes are looking better now. "Can you see something?"

"Yes, near to everything. But not like it should be" he answered quiet. "You have to wear your blindfold till it's better" Velez said with the same quiet voice as his. Palermo closed his eyes and Velez rested her hand on his cheek. No one moved. She just wanted to leaned her forehead against his but suddenly Denver rushed in the room.

"They're coming!" he screamed and ran away. Palermo and Velez are looking at each other in alarm and ran away too. Denver said the police came in through he roof. The whole group me tin a room to took their guns and bulletproof vests. Denver and Velez were hiding behind a wall, waiting for the elevator doors to open. The whole group were hiding behind walls. The elevator doors opened and Denver and Velez came out behind the walls, shooting at the police. The police was shooting too and Denver and Velez were walking back behind their wall. But there was a problem. Denver doesn't have enough ammunition. Velez looks at him surprised and angry.

"Are you kidding me?!" she screams at him.

Denver didn't knew what to do. Palermo and Tokyo were watching the fight from an other wall.

"What the hell happenend?!" Palermo asks.

"I don't know" Tokyo replied.

"Go and reload it! I'll cover you!" Velez said.

"Are you crazy?!" Denver asks but Velez interrupted him.

"Now!" she screams at him and pushed him. She rushed out of her hiding spot and started shooting at the police. Velez just looked a second to Denver to see if he's okay and got shot. Five shots were fired on her body. She dropped to the ground. She just heard the screams of Palermo who risks his life and grabbed Velez to get her behind a wall. Palermo dropped Velez and starts shooting. This time Denver ran over to her and picked her up. Denver ran away with Velez in her arms. Palermo starts shooting again while he ran after them. Denver laid Velez in Palermo's lap and ran back to the others. Palermo took her red jump suit and her bulletproof vests off her. She can feel his finger's on her skin. She can see his relieved face. She didn't got shot. Her bulletproof vest safed her. But that wasn't everything. Velez knows that she laid there just in her bra.

"Nothing happened to you" he said and she smiled. She stood up and hugged him. He laid his arms around her naked back too. She knows that nothing would happen when she's with him. She let go of him and laid back down.

Suddenly she passed out. She didn't know for how long. If hours, days or week passed but she woke up and got scared. She starts choughing a lil bit and her stomach starts hurting. She cried out in pain.

"Shh" Palermmo said, who is still in the same position as before.

"How long was I gone?" she asks

"Five hours" he replied. "You should stay here till night" he said and Velez realized that he is happy now.

"Did something happened?"she asked confused and realized that she was full dressed again. Palermo smiled and it feels like she were in love.

"Do you remember that the professor said when the police enter the bank we should make a suggestion? 50 hostages and the police officer for Rio." Velez nodded. "They aaccept it" he said and Velez grinned.

"That are good news" she said and Tokyo came in the room screaming.

"Rio is coming back! He is coming now!" she screamed and ran away. Palermo looked at Velez and smiled.

"I wanna see him" Velez said and tried to stand up but Palermo stopped her.

"I've told you, you can't stand up. You have to rest" he explained and laid a hand on her leg.

"Please. Then just to the window" she begged. Palermo sighs and picked her up. She laid her arm around his neck while he had his arm under her waist. In Palermo's arms she looked through the window to see Rio standing in front of the bank. Velez is happy. She bit her bottom lip to keep her smile. And she looked at Palermo who is still holding onto her. They're looking at each other, smiling.


word count:1222 words

edited:not edited yet

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