Part 3

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Alessia :

The sparks shooting throughout my face almost caused me to forget about the problem at hand. So when he finally took his hand away from my face ... all hell was about to break loose!

"Who the hell do you think you are!" I yell at him and he stares at me with amusement. The mere thought of someone putting their hands over my mouth angered me but when it was happening right this second, let's just say it pushed me over the edge. That's basically the equivalent to saying that my opinion doesn't matter.

"Im not gonna let you reject me for no damn reason." He states as if he can possibly control what I do.

"You can't control what comes out of my mouth nor can you tell me what I can and cannot say!" I yell pushing a finger to his chest. I've forced myself to look somewhere other than his eyes. But it back fired and I look directly in them trying to keep my fierce eyes piercing his. But failing miserably when he smirked.

"I'm the Alpha King! I can make you do whatever I want." He stated calmly. I chuckle at his tone.

"Listen ... King, I don't care how powerful you are or the fact that we are mates, you cannot and will not control me." I state matter of factly. He thinks I won't put up a fight, but I will.

I'm not submissive!

"Well your not gonna like this relationship much are ya?" He whispers in my ear causing me to shiver at the ghost feeling. "And my name is Jameson ." He backs away from my ear and looks me directly in the eyes. "I take it you will tell your family your coming with me. Don't make me have to do it, i'm not always the nicest person." He says while starting to walk out of the family room but if he thinks he is getting the last words, he is wrong.

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around with a confused look on his face. And that's when I decide to go off. "Like I said before, fuck your status! I bow down to no one! I don't listen to anyone! I have no reason to listen to anyone that I don't respect! You think you have power over me but you don't! We both know you won't hurt me." I whisper the last part because I'm not sure if it's true.

"I never wanted a mate and never needed one. So don't test my patience and never tell me what to do! Are we in agreement, Jameson?" I cross my arms and lick my lips. I've been talking too much and i'm sure they are chapped.

"No" He states as if he is unfazed by my outburst. But I can tell behind his skin that his blood is boiling with anger. Or maybe its just his stoic man features. "What makes you think I won't hurt you?" And just like that my heart quickens it's pace. "I will be waiting in the car, be out quickly." He says before walking out of the room fully this time.



I will never hurt her. I don't know why I said it but she had me so mad. It was the heat of the moment.  She said a lot of things to. Like "I bow down to no one" ... but she will bow down to me in more ways than one.

There is no escape.

I sit in the car and wait for my beautiful mate to appear but it's been 2 hours so I don't know if she actually going to obey. These 4 hours of knowing Alessia, I know she hates authority. But i'm the King and as my mate, she will submit to me. My wolf growls in agreement inappropriate images inside of my head.

All the things I could do to her pretty little body. She will get lots of punishments from me if she continues to push my buttons like that. The thought of having her beautiful body underneath mine while she moans, quivers, and begs for-

stay in control

Enough of this. I have to get her, I know her and I know she probably hasn't even told her parents. I get out of the car, head to the front door and push it open.

I never need to knock.

I beeline to the kitchen because that has the most voices. When I enter, the mom, father, and brother look at me with fear evident in their eyes.

"Where is my mate?!" I yell, maybe a bit to loud because they all wince at my sudden outburst. The father recovers from his daze and anger becomes present on his face. "That's right, your precious little daughter, Alessia, is my mate." I state a bit more proudly than I expected to.

The father begins to pace back and forth. I know he won't say anything because I am his King. He won't question my authority. A weak Alpha for the Willow Wolves pack, if you ask me, but I admire how family orientated he and his wolves are. "Now I won't ask again!" I yell. This time the mother speaks.

"Sh- She left ..." The mother whimpers out. They all look at my face and due to their reaction. I'm not doing well at hiding my emotions.


Hello it's me the Author

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Hello it's me the Author.
I really would like your constructive criticism and comments because this is my first story ... obviously. Anyway, thank you for reading this far. Byeeee
~ kmsi

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