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I didn't eat anything for dinner, I didn't trust the hygiene or the cook. But I made myself another coffee and sat down at a table. The little brats were in their rooms, so that was one less thing to worry about. I hated the fact that they'd hosted this 'program' at a school: No alcohol and I wasn't allowed to smoke.

But who cares about the so-called 'rules'. When the cook was gone I took out a lighter and lit a Беломорканал (Belomorkanal).

I enjoyed the silence, and finished my coffee and cigarette, before throwing it on the floor and extinguishing it with the toe of my boot. I took the empty mug to the kitchen and dropped it in one of the sinks, before going to the staffroom. And sitting down, resting my feet on one of the chairs.

What to do? What to do? I wondered. After a few minutes of considering my options, I decided to take a walk to clear my head.

I strode through the corridors, whistling as I went. I turned a corner and-

"Надежда (Nadya)?"

She stopped walking. And breathing, it seemed. I stopped walking too and looked at her annoyed.

"что вы делаете (What are you doing)? I didn't say you could leave."

"Э... Мне жаль.. Я- (Uh... I'm sorry... I-)"

"Speak English, child! God knows, you can't speak Russian."

"I don't know... I'm sorry... I-" I cut her off, by pushing her against the wall, and putting my hand around her neck.

"I didn't ask if you were sorry, сука блять (cyka blyat), I asked what you were doing!" I hate this girl so much, but I love seeing her scared.

"I- I- L-Luca you're ch- choking me-" She wheezed, between breaths. I let go reluctantly and she fell to her knees.

"нет дерьма (no shit)." I mumbled, before asking louder "So what were you doing?"

"I... I just wanted to go for a walk... Clear my head... I didn't know what to do..." I groaned internally. So she was doing the same thing as me? That's one of the things I've always hated about her. She's just like me. It makes it harder for me to tell her off, because I seem like a лицемер (hypocrite).... Which I probably am...

"Да ладно (all right yeah)... But when did I say you could leave the room?" I asked. Looking down at her.

"ты не сделал (you didn't)..." She said, looking at the ground.

"Correct." I kicked her in the ribs with the toe of my boot. "Get up, девушка (girl)!" She hesitantly got to her feet and I grabbed her by the chin, looking her in the eyes. "Be glad I let you off so легко, Надежда (easy, Nadya). I won't show this kind of милость (mercy) again." I said.

She nodded, looking away. That was it.

The sound of the slap echoed through the empty hall, and Nadya winced. Gladly, she was smart enough to not cry out, but I could see tears in her eyes, as she tried hard not to cry.

"Посмотрите на меня, когда я с тобой поговорить (look at me when I talk to you)!!" I yelled, she tried to step backwards, but fell on the floor again. I thought about hurting her more, just to see her expression, but I thought better of it. We still had two weeks.

"Да сэр! простите сэр! (Yes sir! Sorry sir!)" She yelled. I smirked in triumph, before telling her to go back to her room, and walked away casually as if nothing had happened, leaving my daughter cowering on the floor.

победа. (victory).

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