Better- Yoonkook

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Title- Better

Author- happytimes

Ship- Yoonkook

Summary- Yoongi and Jungkook don't realize they like each other and Yoongi goes into heat.


Jungkook hears a high pitched whine and he knows exactly who it is. He grips his cup of water a bit tighter as he watches Namjoon run by the kitchen and into the hallway where Yoongi's room was. He tries not to follow, turning to begin cooking something.

Namjoon quickly grabs one of Jungkook's jackets from his room before continuing down the hall toward Yoongi's room. He opens the door and Yoongi is curled in on himself, his blanket thrown over his head. Namjoon makes sure to shut the door and lock it. He approaches Yoongi's shivering form before removing the blanket away from him. Yoongi's ears are flat against his head and his tail is curled around his leg. Yoongi only lets them out when he's home or in his current situation. The damn heat came out of nowhere and it wasn't at a good time. Namjoon hands Yoongi Jungkook's jacket and Yoongi immediately clings to it, nearly crying.

"You should just tell him, Yoongi. This is getting out of hand," Namjoon says, taking a seat on the bed.

Yoongi just shakes his head, gripping the jacket tighter.

"He thinks the washing machine is eating his jackets. I had to buy him replacements. Not to mention he thinks I'm helping you. He glares at me and doesn't let me go near Jimin for at least an hour after I come out of here."

"I'm sorry," Yoongi mumbles into the jacket, curling himself even more.

Namjoon sighs out, "It's okay, Yoongi. Is it helping?"

Yoongi nods, not wanting to talk too much.

"Are you hungry at all? Seokjin isn't back yet but I can tell him to hurry up."

"No. I'm okay. I want more jackets. More Jungkook," Yoongi places the jacket over his head and buries himself more into it.

Namjoon sighs, for what felt like the 12th time today, as he walks over to Yoongi's closet. He pulls out the box with nearly all of the youngest's sweaters and jackets. This really isn't healthy but Namjoon can't convince Yoongi to just tell Jungkook that he needs him. Jungkook has no idea and Yoongi decided to make it his goal to never tell him. Namjoon and Seokjin disagreed, telling Yoongi he needed to tell him. But Yoongi was reluctant, not listening and choosing to suffer for the past three years like this.

Namjoon pulls out four sweaters, laying them across Yoongi's form. He curls more into himself and mewls. He grips at them and suddenly feels very hot. He nearly cries telling Namjoon to please leave. Namjoon knows not to touch him so he pats the bed and gets up. When he shuts the door, Jungkook is outside, hiding behind the hall wall. He gives Namjoon a heart attack and Namjoon slams himself against Yoongi's door.

"Oh god," Namjoon places a hand over his heart, "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to know how Yoongi was. Did you not help him?" And Namjoon tries not to laugh at the glare in Jungkook's stare.

"Kook, you know I don't help Yoongi in that way right?" Telling him this won't expose Yoongi.

"What?" His facial expression melts and Namjoon smiles at him, pulling him away from Yoongi's door.

"I've known him for a while so my scent calms him down. I'm like a mother hen!" Namjoon pats Jungkook's back.

"So. This whole time. You were just in the room? You weren't?" He looks a bit stunned.

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