The First Touch- Yoonkook

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Title- The First Touch

Author- Kumatokkii

Ship- Yoonkook

Summary- Prince Yoongi has never been touched. Adviser Jungkook wants to touch so badly.

(This one-shot is pretty long, 21,000 or something words)


It started with a fairytale book.

The book was nothing fancy, a leather cover, thick parchment paper sewn together to form a flimsy spine, the insides scrawled with perfect letters and inky artworks of towers, of princesses, and of a huge dragon, keeping the beautiful girl hostage in the castle it had conquered. Yoongi had been enamoured from the moment his handmaid first read it to him, five years old and in awe, at the life the princess must have lived inside the story book world.

The story didn't have a name, but that didn't stop it from becoming the young princes favourite possession in the world, and no matter how many new books he was gifted, they all remained untouched, unread, in favour of the princess and the dragon. He would pour over the words he could barely read, touch his tiny hands to the rough paper, outlining dragon wings and flowing hair with careful finger tips. Every night, when the handmaid would come to give him warm milk and tuck him into his canopy bed, he would pull out the book, and she would sigh, before giving in and reading gently, sending the baby prince off to sleep with brilliant visions of a fire breathing beast and a princess locked away from the world behind stone walls.

It was on Yoongi's tenth name day, hiding from the royal tutors, from his elder brother, from his handmaid, outside in the gardens, book in hand, that he came to the decision that he wanted to be like the princess in the story.

He's always felt something for her when he looked over the images, of her defiant expression, the way she used her time in captivity to read, to imagine, to dream. He wanted that too, the weird freedom that came with being a prisoner to some fantastical creature, and so every day before bed, he prayed he would be whisked away by a dragon, locked inside a tower on his own, a place where his Father couldn't make demands, where he didn't have to study alongside his elder brother Seokjin. A place for just Yoongi, stolen away from the world he knew and despised more and more with each passing day.

He was seventeen when he met Hoseok. Hoseok was a squire, learning the way of the sword, the knight he was loyal to bringing him to the palace to train with others like him. Yoongi had felt a weird interest stir the moment they met eyes, Hoseok sweat drenched beneath his chain mail and padding, blade glittering in hand. Yoongi knew he wasn't allowed to speak to the stranger, this handsome boy, but Yoongi didn't like being a prince, and so, he disobeyed.

They spent time together when they could over the months, Yoongi laughing at Hoseok's jokes, both blushed and shy and desperate to touch, but neither making a move. They looked up at the dark sky one night, stars shimmering years and years away, and Yoongi finally gathered his courage, leaning in, brushing his fingers against the calloused hand of the squire. Yoongi hadn't expected such a violent reaction, the younger boy pulling away, eyes wide in fright. Yoongi's stomach lurched.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok had asked. Yoongi was shaking.

"I... I thought... I thought that you wanted me?"

Hoseok sucked in a deep breath, his entire body firm and tense.

"I do... but we can't. I can't touch you. You're... you're the prince,"

"I don't care about that," Yoongi felt his voice raise and tremble. "I don't care,"

"I could lose my hands if anyone ever found out I laid one on you,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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