Chapter 1

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Detective Chief Inspector Luis Cutter sat at his desk, his legs crossed, and a cigarette dangling from his lips. He puffed out smoke, watching it swirl randomly in the air. His eyes grew wistful as he recalled the fateful night 25 years ago when his parents were brutally murdered. He was only 10, celebrating his birthday, when the unthinkable happened.

Luis's mind flashed back to the sound of strange voices, gunshots, and his father's desperate call to the police. He remembered the feeling of being locked in the underground escape vault, the sound of bullets piercing the air, and his father's last words: "Stay down here as quiet as possible!"

The memory still haunted him. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cutter, were killed that night. Luis was lucky to have escaped through the vault, but the trauma lingered.
The first bullet went first to his father who was trying to fight the killers. The bullet ran through his forehead, the hole still visible. His mother tried running and was shot twice. They ransacked the house in search of him; he was lucky the police came on time, and the killers vanished into thin air. Mr and Mrs Raymond Cutter died that night
He adhered to the instructions of his father; he escaped through the vault, out into the lonely streets of Los Vegas, got hit by an incoming speeding vehicle, clasped his head on the ground, and collapsed.

After the brutal murder of his parents, the news of Luis's death spread like wildfire through Los Vegas. However, the authorities kept his survival a secret, knowing the killer was still on the loose and targeting him. The media reported that he had been fatally hit by a vehicle while fleeing for his life.

Unbeknownst to the public, Luis was taken in by the barren woman who had accidentally hit him, Mrs. Powell. She and her husband, Mr. Kenneth Powell, adopted Luis and raised him as their own.

As he grew older, Luis became determined to uncover the truth behind his parents' murder. He joined the police force at 18, starting as a constable. Mr. Huskey, then the leading DCI of Los Vegas, took Luis under his wing, recognizing his exceptional intelligence and potential. Under Huskey's mentorship, Luis excelled in the police academy and quickly rose through the ranks.

Twelve years later, Luis became the leading DCI of Los Vegas, thanks to Huskey's guidance and support. Huskey, now Chief of the police, General Commander of Los Vegas. He couldn't be prouder of his protégé. Luis's foster parents, the Powells, were overjoyed by his success, knowing he had found his true calling in fighting for justice.
As he sat in his office, Luis's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Detective Luis!" Constable John called out.
Luis smiled, stubbing out his cigarette. "How may I help you, John?"
John entered, looking serious. "General Huskey wishes to speak with you, sir."
Luis's expression turned grave. He knew that General Huskey, his mentor and the General Commander of Los Vegas, wouldn't summon him without a good reason.
Juiceless, Luis stood up, adjusting his shirt and tie. He followed John to General Huskey's office, his mind racing with possibilities.
Pleasingly, Luis Cutter is a vision of masculine charm, with a strong, chiseled face and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through to the soul. His dark hair is always perfectly messy, framing his sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. A subtle scattering of stubble adds a hint of ruggedness to his refined features. His broad shoulders and muscular build are evident even under his tailored suits, which he wears with effortless ease. A crisp white shirt and slim tie only add to his dashing appearance, making him look like a man who means business. But it's his eyes that truly set him apart - bright, intelligent, and sparkling with a hint of warmth, they draw you in and refuse to let go. When he smiles, his whole face lights up, revealing a hint of dimples and a quick wit that's impossible to resist. Whether he's commanding a room or quietly observing from the sidelines, Luis exudes a sense of confident, masculine charm that's impossible to ignore. He's the kind of man who turns heads without even trying, and his handsome face is only the beginning.
As they entered, General Huskey looked up from the files on his desk. "Luis, thank you for coming. I have a case that requires your attention."

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