Awesome Pirates

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On board the airship they suck a ride on, the mane 6 and spike were laying low among all the crates, for fear of what would happen if the crew running the ship were to find them.

The ponies shushed Rainbow dash, spoke, "Someone's coming

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The ponies shushed Rainbow dash, spoke, "Someone's coming." Rainbow, Applejack, peeked out from some cargo and saw the ship was being commandeered by bird people dressed in delivery uniforms, "Oh, my." Fluttershy gasped.

Applejack spoke to Twilight, "Whadaya think, Twilight? Should we just... ask 'em to take us?"

"Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us!" Twilight reminded her.

"Twilight's right." Rainbow dash agreed.

"I think it's best we lay low here, until we get closer to Mt. Aris." Applejack suggested.

Suddenly some crated were lifted up and they were discovered by one of the bird people and they have Merry and Pippin with them (By tied up the rope on there hands and cover there mouths with bandies), 

Suddenly some crated were lifted up and they were discovered by one of the bird people and they have Merry and Pippin with them (By tied up the rope on there hands and cover there mouths with bandies), 

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"Hey, Lix Spittle, Mullet, Squabble! Come check this out!" three more bird people approached.

"What is it, Boyle?" Lix Spittle asked.

"Looks like a pack of stowaways." Mullet said suspiciously.

"What are we s'posed to do with 'em?" Lix wondered.

Squabble only squawked, as Boyle began, "I think we tie 'em up!" Applejack gasped in reaction.

"We clip their wings!" Lix declared, as Rainbow gasped.,

"Nah. We scar 'em..." Mullet began, as Rarity yelped, "Emotionally!" he finished, as Fluttershy sobbed,.

Twilight spoke, "Look, this is all a misunderstanding. If you'll give us a chance to explain ourselves..."

Mullet shushed her, and spoke to another, "What say the book, Captain Celaeno?"

Approaching was a bird woman with a wooden peg leg, who answered while reading a book, "Storm King's rule book says, "Throw them overboard."" she declared.

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