So many choices, so many wrong answers

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{Y/N pov}

I woke up to the feeling of bakugo and kirishimas arms around me. I slowly get up and sneak away and out of the dorm, I run to mine. When I get in I walk to my closet and thankfully it's Sunday, I look around and I see one of Dabis jackets, when I see it my heart starts to hurt and I start crying.. I never thought I would miss them so much. Toga was like a sister, and the others.. I don't know.. I have a special connection to shigaraki, Dabi, and hawks.. I don't know what's happening...


"HANDY I STG STOP TRYING TO GET INTO OUR ROOM!" Toga shouts at shigaraki who keeps on trying to enter the room, I laugh slightly.

"You make it sound like I'm trying to be a pervert" Shigarakis cool and chilling voice said.

"Good!" Toga screams at him.

{end of flashback}

Tears quickly stop falling when you hear someone at the door and they knock.

"Hey y/n?!" It was shoto..

"One sec!" I call out while running to the door

I open the door and he sees my face, shit I must still look like I've been crying.. he hugs me and I'm confused but I hugs him back.

"What was that for..?" I ask him confused as we pull away from the hug.

"I heard you crying Y/n what's wrong..?" His usually very monotone voice filled with worry.

"Oh it's nothing I just stubbed my toe really hard" i lied.

"Oh.. ok, well you're probably confused on why I'm here. Well I'll hurry up and tell you,the principal wants you in his office I'm pretty sure aizawa and all might are there too" he told me.

"Ok thanks shoto" i tell him as I put dabis jacket on and run to the principals office. As I walk into the office all eyes go to me.

"Hello Y/n it's good to see you" all might says to me.

"We should get straight to the point." Aizawa says, hes looks exhausted.

"Alright, as you know you were kidnapped and held there against your will. Turns out they got attached to you and there now threatening to kill everyone in UA slowly if we don't give you back, now we will find a way to stop them From getting inside and we won't let you go back there. But we need to know what are there quirks." Principal Nemu says.

"Yes... the leader with the hands all over him, he's called shigaraki, he has a bad habit of scratching his neck to much, his quirk is if he puts all 5 fingers on something he can disintegrate it no matter what material, he may sound like a little adult child but he's not... the one with black hair, purple skin somewhere, and staples all over his body is Dabi, his quirk is cremation, he's pretty strong and is bad at making soba. The weird looking hawk man is.."

I got cut off by principle Nemu saying "we know about him.."

"Oh uhm ok! Well the shadow man Kurogiri, his quirk is "warp gate" but you would know that from the LOV attack wouldn't you.. the one with blonde hair and the two buns, that's toga.. Her quirk is whoever's blood she drinks she can turn into them for a certain time, the more blood she gets the longer she stays like that.. and the others I never got around to getting to know.." i said bluntly.

"Thank you, you're dismissed.." aizawa told me

I walk out the door, go to my dorm and watch anime and eat food all day until... the anime ends and i get up to shower and brush my teeth, and I clean I face and you go to bed.. you wake up as three am still wearing dabis jacket to see what looks like three figures in your room.. one shaped like Shigaraki, one shaped like toga, and one shaped like Dabi...

A.n don't say anything about spoilers bcs it's a fanfic did you expect no spoilers??

Word count: 691

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