chapter 17

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Luke's POV

(the next morning)

"I still don't see what possesses males to hit girls in the boob sometimes. Sure they are just lumps of fat but that's just not okay." Mac still hadn't given up, I hit her in the boob last night and now she won't shut the hell up.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I don't need to hear about your boob problems anymore." I complained.

"Well you should have thought about that before you assaulted by boob."

I laughed lightly and just shook my head. She needs to quit it with the whole 'boob assault'. I didn't even hit her that hard.

She wouldn't stop talking last night about it either. I didn't want her to shut up though; her voice comforts me. I watched as her mouth formed to make specific words and her tone changed to each comment she made.

The moon light that shone in through her window was making her look like an angel. Half of her face was a shadow but the other was illuminated with beauty. Sadly, she wasn't looking at me so I couldn't see the identical yet different irises. I admired the way they would sparkle when she spoke, even if it was about boobs.

"Luke!" Mac snapped me out of my thoughts. "Cereal or pancakes?" She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me.

"Considering neither of us can cook well enough to not get food poisoning from eating the pancakes, I'm gonna go with cereal." I answered her.

"I can cook well!" She argued.

"Whatever you say, but I still want cereal." I responded.

"Might just have to spit in your cereal then." She taunted.

"Not on my watch." I said as I ran around the counter. I wrapped my arms around Mac's waist and pulled her away from the bowls of cereal. She squealed in surprise as I lifted her off the ground and twirled her around the kitchen.

"Put me down! I'm never gonna make you food ever again!" I froze at that. I dropped her feet back to the ground gently and Put my hands behind my back, bowing my head.

"I'm sorry for the unacceptable behavior. Please, continue making me food."


Hours had passed and now we were laying on the couch watching Disney movies.

I guess this is gonna become a tradition now. Which I don't have a problem with whatsoever. Mac is one of my top people to be around. Her company always brightens my day and her laugh makes my world.

I shook my head of the thoughts because, I mean honestly, how would she like me back? Like, is it even humanly possible to like me in that way? I've never known someone to admire me like that.

Mac's head was in my lap and she was trying to teach me how to braid hair, it wasn't going well. I kept getting her hair all tangled and knotted up and she would spend ten minutes trying to get it out.

"I have some advice for you, Luke." She said as she walked back over to the couch after getting knots out of her hair for the fifth time.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"Don't go into and profession that has to do with hair. I don't think the clients would be happy." She shook her head and laughed as she repositioned her head on my lap.

"Where do you see yourself in ten years? Like career and family wise." Mac questioned me.

Well I want you in my future. With two kids and living the ideal life.

I didn't dare say that though.

"Well, hopefully I'll have a good paying job. I don't know what I want to go into though. Maybe a wife and kids. I'm just going with the flow as of right now." I answered her. "What about you?"

"Well," she started as if she was reciting a daydream. "I want to go into journalism. Maybe write for a newspaper or a blog or something, I don't know it could just be a stupid dream."

"It's not stupid." I interrupted her. "What about family?"

"Well I want to get married obviously, maybe have some kids but not right away so we can have some time to enjoy being married-"

I lost her after that. My eyes started focusing on her lips and my mind wasn't comprehending the words she was speaking. I started thinking what it would be like to marry Mac. What colors she would want at the wedding and how stunning she would look in her dress. Then we would say our vows and kiss. Kiss.

I felt myself leaning down towards Mac and my mind couldn't tell my muscles to sit back upright.

"Luke? What are yo-" I cut her off by placing my lips on hers.


I wasn't allowing myself to pull away and Mac was actually kissing me back.

Well, look at the irony here.

Her lips were so soft. It felt like I was petting kittens. But with my lips, and I wasn't petting kittens. I was fucking kissing Mac.

My mind finally registered what was happening and I pulled away immediately.

"Oh shit, shit, shit." I mumbled as I gently pushed her off my lap and stood up only to start pacing. "Shit, shit, shit." I started running my hand through my hair and I probably looked like a mad man right now.


"I'm sorry Mac, I really am. I didn't mean to just spontaneously kiss you and now you probably think I'm a freak and-"

"I don't think you're a freak, Luke."

But I couldn't hear her. I mean I heard her but my mind wouldn't allow me to comprehend the information, so I just kept pacing.

"Shit, shit, shit, FUCK! I understand if you don't want to see me again or talk to me. I can walk to school from now on and I'm sorry this ever happened." I rambled.

"Luke, listen to me." She tried to soothe, but I wasn't allowing it.

"I like you. Fuck, do I like you. I like everything about you. I mean, who wouldn't? You're beautiful and funny and outgoing and I've come to the conclusion that you would never like me and I think I have become okay with that. I mean, yeah sure, it would be fucking awesome if you liked me back and all, but I understand you don't and never will. Uhm, I'll just leave now. Thanks for being a great friend. It was nice to have someone like you. Bye, Mac."


I paced through her living before I grabbed my stuff and left.

"Luke, wait!"

Too late, the door has been shut.


woah baby
I'll try to update again soon!
I'm on break so I'll have more time
Happy Holidays!

It's Just A Cafe || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now