Chapter 3

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Eve P.O.V

I slowly forced my eyes open. It felt like my eyelids had been glued shut. I couldn't remember why I felt so groggy.
When I finally got my eyes to open, I was hit with a sharp, piercing light. When my eyes focused, I took in my surroundings. I was obviously in a cell of some sort. Three concrete walls on all sides, except the one I was facing. Which was covered in bars, much like a jail cell. Wait, a cell? Then it hit me, I'd been captured.
" well, crap." I muttered. Great job, I thought sarcastically, I accomplished the one thing I didn't want to do!

I attempted to move out of the hard cotton cot I sat on, but then discovered I couldn't. My left arm was chained to the ceiling, and my leg was chain to the bottom of the cot, so I was stuck here. Then I realized something, why was only my left arm chained? I slowly gazed over at my right arm. Which wasn't there! Only a bloody stump was left in its place. I glared at it, I was going to kill the flipping human who did this to me. It would grow back, but still, whoever did this is a dead man.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed noisily down the long, torchlit hallway to my cell. Then I heard the voices.
" Levi! Why won't you let me take her out of the cell! It's for an experiment!" I heard a woman's voice whine.
" Hanji. Do I have to tell you this again? That thing is a Titan-shifter, and We captured it for answers. Not so it can be your test subject." An agitated man's voice said. It sounded as if this woman clearly wanted to experiment on me. I shuddered at the thought of someone cutting me open, like in the stories some of the boys in my tribe told to scare the girls.

As the footsteps gradually became closer, I waited to see what my captors looked like.
" Besides, it not as if we're getting any answers out of Annie, we can at least get answers out of this one." I heard another man say. I flinched at the mention of my missing friends name. So they were the ones who had her. I wondered what they meant by, 'we're not getting any answers out of Annie.'.
They better not have done anything to her, or I was going to kill every last one of them. Well, after I figured a way out of here.

Finally, my captors stopped in front of my cell. The woman was tall, and had messy brunette hair that had been pulled back into a ponytail. She had wire-framed glasses, and was smiling at me for some reason. There were to men, one short with dark brown hair. The short man had a permanent scowl on his face, and looked a little intimidating despite his size. The second man was also tall like the woman, and had blonde hair that was slightly pulled back. All of them were wearing Scout Regiment uniforms.
I've already figured out the woman's name, Hanji, which made me feel uncomfortable knowing that she wanted to experiment on me. One of the two men were probably Levi, but I didn't know which one.

" Oh, so your awake." Said the short man, his voice seemed bored, like he really didn't want to be here.
I remained silent, I wasn't going to give them any answers, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to ask any questions.
" Where the heck am I." I harshly questioned, my eyes glaring invisible knives into all of them. They started talking amongst themselves, completely ignoring me, and what was worse, they were talking about ME. Which only mad me angrier.
" hmm I didn't expect it to start talking already." The short one said plainly.
" I. Am. Not. An. It." I seethed, I already hated this guy. Once again, they completely ignored me.
" Maybe it will be this open about everything." The blonde man stated. I just stared at him, then I started laughing. The three humans finally looked at me, surprised.
"As if!" I laughed, it was funny how they thought I was going to give them answers.
" Well, it will have to give us some answers in its trial tomorrow." The short one said.
" Wait, what trial!" I asked, annoyed. But, they had already left by then, well everyone, but the girl, Hanji. She just stood there smiling at me. I shifted uncomfortably on the cot, I really disliked being left alone with this maniac who wanted to experiment on me. Her glasses gleamed in the torchlight, making her look even creepier.
" Um, hello?" I warily asked, wondering when Hanji would leave.
" It talked to me." She whispered, fascinated. She quickly gripped the bars of my cell, making me flinch in surprise.

I glanced at my missing arm, then glared at Hanji. Was she the one who did this to me?
Well, Hanji seemed to read my mind, and told me,
" Oh, sorry about your arm, but Jean was just trying to knock you out so we could take you easily."

Gee. That made me feel better. I sarcastically thought.
" But don't worry, it will grow back eventually." She smiled cheerfully. Really, how much creepier could this girl get?
She was just about to ask me another question, when I heard the sound of a door opening.
" Hanji, Caption Levi needs to talk to you!" A younger boys voice yelled down the corridor. She sighed, then looked back at me.
" Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow to take you to your trial!" She said before running back to wherever she came from in first place.


Ok, finally finished. Sorry It took so long and that this chapters soooo short, but it is Christmas Eve after all. So Ya.
Also I'll be updating tomorrow and comment if you have any ideas as to what should happen at Eve's trial. :)

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