Chapter 17

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(A/N: heyyyyyy, I'm sooo bored right now, I've read almost every good FANFICTION for all the Fandoms im in, so if you guys have any recommendations for any of these following fandoms, please tell meh: team crafted, minecraft, creepypasta, AOT (obviously), fairytail, soul eater, merome (yes I ship it, don't judge meh!!!), or SAO)

Ash P.O.V (sorry, not eve's!)

My heart froze and my blood turned to stone. Mariane was in a coma. A freaking coma. This wouldn't have happened if I had been there, if I hadn't wandered off, if I had been there to save her.

"W-What" I heard Whits shaky voice from next to me. Brian looked down, but we could all see the tears that were falling from his eyes.

"S-She's in a c-coma." He stuttered, this had obviously taken a big hit to him. I mean, we were all close to Mariane, but Brian had been the closest. The two were best friends, practically inseparable. Well, that is, until now.

Little Shauna looked around at us, she was still to young to understand what was happening. She tugged on my shirt.

"What's a coma?" I stared at her, loss for words.

"I-It's when someone goes to sleep, a-and we don't know when they'll wake u-up." I explained gently.

"Will Mawaine wake up?" She asked. I didn't answer her. None of us did. We were all to shocked and hurt to try to explain to Shauna that we didn't know when Mariane would wake up.

The rest of the night was bleak and sad. We all went to our rooms, not caring that none of us had even gotten a half amount of the food we needed from the hunt. We all cried, even Shauna, who had eventually realized that Mariane might never wake up.

That night, I slept a fitful shaky sleep. I had a terrifying nightmare too.

The nightmare.

I was with my tribe, my sister was there also. We were in a large field, just laughing, talking, doing what we usually do. But then, I heard it. A faint rumble, then came a ear piercing roar.


They filled the field in a matter of seconds. We all tried to fight back, but it was no avail. For some reason, we couldn't shift.

One by one I heard the screams of my friends, my family. And sooner or than later, it was just Eve, Mariane, and I.

"Eve! Mariane!" I called out to them. The two were back to back. Eve was hacking away at a titan with her knife. Her brunette hair matted and drenched with blood, and her eyes focused,but bloodshot and tired. Her mouth was stretched into a concentrated grimace. She swung her knife swiftly to the right, gracefully killing a titan in one move (is gracefully killing a Titan a thing?). The only problem was that her moves, graceful as they were, were getting slower and more sluggish by the minute, and it didn't help that she was covered head-to-toe in steaming titan blood.

Mariane wasn't fairing any better either. Her red hair was now a crimson, due to the blood, and a thick stream of blood going down her face. She was firing her bow at a steady pace, but it didn't do much. Just slowed the Titans down a little. Suddenly, a abnormal titan ( A/N: that is what their called right? If I'm wrong, oops) jumped at her, it's fist colliding with her head, sending her sprawling across the field. Separating her from a now even more vulnerable Eve, and also turning her bow into a heap of broken and splintered wood and string. Mariane's arrows had been flung about, seven yard away from where her half-conscious body lay, gripping her head in pain.

"Mariane!" I heard a strangled voice yell. I realized it was my own voice. I tried to move, to save her, but for some reason, it felt as if my feet had been permanently glued to the blood covered floor. None of the Titans were attacking me, it was as if I was invisible. They all were looking or fighting Eve or Mariane.

The abnormal titan slowly approached Mariane's crumpled form, then leaped and attempted to bite her. Maraine, still conscience, but a bit slow, attempted to roll out of the way. But, she was to slow and the titan managed to take a bite out of her arm. Mariane screamed the most terrifying, heart-retching scream, then went limp. A pool of scarlet blood slowly forming around her.

Before I could say anything, I heard another scream, this time a little more high-pitched. Eve.

A normal titan, an ugly brute with a sadistic grin plastered across his disfigured face, was holding her up in one hand, the other lay limp at its side.

"Ash! Help!" She called out to me, her face contorted in pain. I tried to move, tried to save her, like I wanted to do to Mariane, but once again, I couldn't move. I was petrified.

"Eve! I can't move!" I yelled, but she didn't seem to hear me. The titan holding her stood up, all the other Titans were now surrounding either that one titan, or eating Mariane's dead body.

"Ash!" Eve screamed again. I felt hot, salty tears roll down my blood covered face, leaving little streaks in the blood. I couldn't do anything, I was useless. The Titan then proceeded to run off with Eve still alive, screaming my name, into a fog of mist that hadn't been there before.

The mist started to swirl, crawling up the field, hugging me with its misty arms. I couldn't see anything but the swirling gray, couldn't smell anything but the moisture and coppery scent of blood, couldn't feel anything but the blood covered field beneath my feet.

I was alone.

Swish, swish, swish. I heard the strange sound before I felt it (how do you feel sound?) I felt something hot, steaming, and thick, slowly start to rise around my feet. Looking down, I almost threw up at the sight. Blood, sticky, gooey blood was slowly creeping its way up. Rising from the ground like I was wading into a red river. Panicking, I tried to run, to get away. But I was still frozen, fated to drown in the blood of my friends.

After what seemed like hours, I just gave up the struggle. It was no use, I couldn't move. The blood was up to my neck now. I just stood there, drenched in Crimson liquid. Then finally, it had risen to far for me the breathe. And that's when I realized I was gonna die.

I struggled, and failed, of coarse. My vision started going blurry, and my lungs burned. I tried screaming for help, but all I got was a mouthful of blood.

'I'm sorry' was my last thought before blacking out.

End nightmare.

I woke up with a start, sweat sticking to my face and rolling down my neck. It was just a dream, just a dream. A very, very bad dream. I licked my dry lips as I stepped out of my bed, I could still taste the metallic blood, but it was just my imagination. Then the events of last night hit me like a boulder.

Mariane was in a coma. My sister was missing. But they were alive. That was my only straw of hope in this despair filled world.

Today was the day I was going to find Eve, and bring her back.

Then nothing would ever separate us ever again.

Haiiiii guysssss! I'm bored! Someone please recommend something to me!!! Please!! Also, what did you think of ash's dream? I'm sorry this chapter was a little sucky though, my sisters sick and I had to babysit her most of the weekend.

With that said,

Byeeeeeee my froggies!

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