Chapter 4: Slugs, Snails, and Puppy-Dog Tails

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Chapter 4: Slugs, Snails, and Puppy-Dog Tails

Eli impatiently honked his car horn several times, making my heart stop each time. After shoving my arms through a light cardigan, Dakota stopped me when I attempted to walk out the door.

                “Where are you going?”

                “To the beach with Eli.”

                “You’re going to get in a car with him? Don’t you know not to get into a car with strangers?” he reprimanded.

                “Oh, please. He gave me a ride home yesterday. If he wanted to kidnap or rape me, he would’ve done it. Calm down.”

                “When will you be back?”

                “Why do you even care?”

                “Because I’m your guardian, and if there’s an emergency, I need to know.”

                “I’ll be home in time for dinner.”

                Before he could question me any farther, I ran out the door and into the passenger seat of Eli’s Jeep. I had my phone if he needed to contact me for something.

                “Took you long enough,” Eli said with a grin.

                I buckled my seatbelt. “You’re so impatient. Now, let’s go to the beach!”

                “Look who’s impatient now.”

                I rolled my eyes. “Just drive.”

                “Yes, ma’am!” he mock saluted.

                “Two hands on the wheel, mister.”

                He scoffed. “I don’t need two hands. I have mad skills.”

                “What’s this?” I asked, pointing to a photograph that was in the strap of the sun visor.

                “It’s a photo of me and my buddies. It was taken last summer, I think.”

                “Can I look at it?”

                “If you want.”

                I pulled it out, careful not to bend any corners. There were six guys sitting on a wooden fence on the beach. They all looked so carefree. Eli was the only one I recognized, no surprise there. He was on the very end next to a brunette.

                “Who’s the one you’re sitting next to?”

                “Aaron. We’re all pretty close, but he’s the one I’m closest to. And don’t get any ideas. He’s been with his girl since they were eleven; childhood sweethearts.”

                He continued to tell me about Aaron and Isabella. He sounded envious as he told stories about how “whipped” she had him and how he would blow off Guy’s Night to watch a romantic comedy with her. I thought it was cute.

                Once we got to the beach, he told me the names of all his friends. There was Marcus, his only sibling, who seemed to be falling for a girl named Alexis. There was Dylan, who was a bit pudgier and more baby-faced than the rest. Eli said he went through a weird phase, which explained the “Bieber bowl” that he sported. On the other hand, his boyfriend, Prescott, looked rough and tough. I bet there wasn’t a millimeter of fat to him. I thought I saw a tattoo on one of his arms. Lastly, there was Blake. He looked like the epitome of the cliché bad boy, who was, shockingly, was head over heels for Taylor, a girl he had met a couple of years ago.

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