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Her second year of college and Anne Cuthbert was already part of the ‘monarchy’ in her sorority, ΓΨΑ (Gamma Psi Alpha), as the activity planner. The merit is not only hers though. Anne and her friends had created –essentially- the best “politic party” that presented to the elections this year; everyone knew they were going to win. She did not like everyone in her party, but she had to make some sacrifices if she wanted to win.

Her party was made of five girls, including her. Organized in the following list from the meanest to the nicest one, according to Anne, of course.

1- Winifred Rose, president. She is a Regina George wannabe, and the meanest girl -more like a bitch- Anne has ever met. In terms of appearance, she is gorgeous, blonde, blue eyes, the whitest teeth ever and she had the body of a Greek goddess. According to the guys in ΛΨ (Lamda Psi), Winifred is the hottest chick ever, some even call her “the best fuck they have ever had” (ew).

2- Josie Pye, vice-president. The mean girl’s best friend, she does not have much personality besides that. She also looks a lot like Winifred, except Josie is taller and has a lot more boobs. Anne likes her sometimes when she is alone; it seems as if Josie’s personality completely changes when she’s with Winifred.

3- Ruby Gillis, the freshman. She is the youngest; each party has to have a first-year student, that way they do not feel left out. She is also a blond with blue eyes, but she is nice and very sweet. Anne liked her even though she can be a little…naïve sometimes. Ruby already likes –or loves, as she said- the president of the party that won in ΛΨ this year (the members of the said party are going to be introduced later on).

4- Anne Cuthbert, activity planner, creator of this list. She has a very good imagination and she is very creative, perfect at the job assigned –more like the one she chose-. She has red hair and a lot of freckles, and the guys in ΛΨ also consider her one of the hottest chicks, but none of them –except one in particular- can say she is “the best fuck they have ever had”.

5- Diana Barry, treasurer. The best friend ever, Anne’s best friend. They met in their first year of kindergarten and they have been best friends ever since. She was the one to convince Anne to form a party with the Regina George wannabe and her minion. Diana sees the good in people, Anne loves that about her, but sometimes all that goodness can blind her and she cannot see that two of the three blondes are such hypocrites. She has beautiful raven hair and green eyes –finally someone different, besides Anne herself-.

Anne’s sorority had an ally, ΛΨ, the fraternity across the street. It was very uncommon to see an association between a Sorority and a Fraternity in the University of Toronto, but this association goes back many years before the current members were even born. As promised before, next you are going to see another list, also made by Anne Cuthbert, also organized by the meanest to the nicest one.

1- Royal Gardner, vice-president. Also known as… Anne’s ex. Not much to say about him aside from being the definition of ‘ew’. He is the only boy who could call Anne “his best fuck”. Not that Anne knows this, but he does not call her that. He is tall and…blonde –Anne was starting to hate that hair color- with curly hair.

2- Charlie Sloane, freshman. He is in this position because Anne only talked to him once and it was when he was introducing himself –he is nice-.

3- Moody Spurgeon, activity planner. Anne likes him –as a friend- they have to spend a lot of time together to, as you guessed, plan activities in which their houses participate and collaborate with each other. Moody is one of Curly’s best friends and by association, Anne considers him one of her closest friends too.

4- Cole Mckenzie, treasurer. One of Anne’s best friend, he is also very gay and living the gay dream living in a house full of boys, but, he openly admitted that the only boy he could be sexually attracted to, is certain curly-haired boy that is going to be mentioned soon. He has blonde hair and, according to other gays he has dated, he looks too straight to be gay –Cole took that as an insult because “those frat guys are rubbing off on me”, ironic considering he is a frat guy-. Anne met him when she was around 15 years old when she went with Diana to visit her aunt, Josephine Barry. Cole was adopted by Aunt Jo, as they call her when he was 7.

5- Gilbert Blythe, president. The most annoying guy Anne has ever met. Also, her best friend. Anne and Gilbert are “cousins” too, even though they do not consider each other family because they only met a year ago when Anne was a freshman and Gilbert a sophomore (but we are not going to talk about that right now). He has curly brown hair - Anne likes to call him ‘curls’ or ‘curly’, depending on her mood- and hazel eyes. He is also the biggest fuckboy ever (again, more on that later).
Anne was sure this was going to be the best year of her life so far and no Royal Gardner, Winifred Rose, or Josie Pye was going to ruin this year for her.

Or will they?

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