Chapter 3: A Plan

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(F/N) POV)

For the next couple of days, I had gone to the volleyball club's practices. I sat on the sidelines and began to observe what they did at practice. I knew all the rules of volleyball since I helped Kenma out with sets a lot when we were younger. Practice was always full of questions for her that were related to taking the manager position.

I became very fond of all of the club members, especially the first years. Lev and Inuoka were very hyper and that's what I liked about them. Then, Shibayama was there to keep them in line. 

The second years were fun too. Yamamoto is just as hyper as Lev and Inuoka at times, but that made him enjoyable to be around. Fukunaga might be quiet, but when he does talk, he cracks puns that never fail to make me laugh. Kenma was as anti-social as ever which didn't surprise me at all.

The third years were interesting. I soon learned that Yaku was the mom of the team, even though he gets worked up easily. That's what Kai was there for, though. Kai was probably the most responsible, after Yaku that is. Kuroo may be smart, but he can be just as crazy as the rest of his team at times, and it's been that way since childhood.

Watching the boys play was fun, it was a break from the tough reality I lived in. It looked like one was always trying to one-up another, their hunger for a win getting even more obvious as the practice went on.

Today was different to say the least. Every single one of the boys looked like they had their eyes on me, like they were up to something. They were oddly quiet too.

And by the looks of it, they were up to no good.

(Kuroo POV)

Today was the day we made (F/N) our manager. There way no delaying it any more.

And I had the perfect plan.

When we got into the club room, I began to go over my idea. I began with, "Okay, we all want (F/N) to be our manager, right?"

Yamamoto sprung up and started nodding ferociously. Lev smiled and Yaku replied to me with, "Obviously. She watches our practices every day, it's not like being a manager is that much different from what she does." The rest of the team nodded in agreement.

I continued, "Great. Since we're all on the same page, I have a plan. (F/N) seems to have taken a liking to the first years." I pointed in the direction of Inuoka, Lev and Shibayama. "So, we need you three to convince her to join us. Basically, one of you needs to ask her to fill up your water bottle." 

Inuoka raised his hand and said, "I can do that!"

I nodded, "Perfect. Then one of you has to ask her where your towel is. Can any of you handle that?"

Lev nodded and said, "Sure thing, Captain!"

I finished explaining my scheme, "Finally, Shibayama, you have to ask her to take notes during practice today. Can you hand her our team notebook and ask her to write in it?" 

As I handed him the notebook, he nodded, "You can count on me!"

"Perfect. Just leave the rest to me." With that, I left the club room and headed to the gym.

(Time Skip)

(F/N) walked through the gym doors half way through practice. I looked at Inuoka, and he nodded and started walking towards (F/N).

"Hey, (L/N)-san? Could you fill up my water bottle? I already drank all of my water and I can't leave practice."

(F/N) sighed and replied, "Sure. Just don't drink it as fast next time." and with that, she walked out of the gym towards the water fountain.

Yamamoto high-fived Inuoka and Lev put his towel by the door. As soon as (F/N) walked in, Lev would ask where his towel went.

Coach Nekomata knew what we were doing and he chuckled in the chair he was sitting on. Before we knew it, (F/N) was back. Lev screamed, "WHERE IS MY TOWEL!?" Yaku face-palmed and whispered, "You should go on Broadway, Lev. Great acting skills. Totally not suspicious."

(F/N) looked down to the floor and picked up Lev's towel. "This what you're looking for?"

Lev walked over to her and smiled, "Yup! Thanks (L/N)-san!" He grabbed his towel and ran back to us. (F/N) handed Inuoka his water bottle and started to walk back towards her usual spot on the bleachers. That was when Shibayama grabbed the team notebook and walked up to her.

"(L/N)-san?" She turned around at the sound of her name. She asked him, "What's up Shibayama?"

"Could you take notes for us? Coach wants us to focus on practice and we think that we'd be able to focus more if you were writing notes for us."

That was perfect Shibayama! (F/N) you'd better say yes! I thought to myself.

Just as I thought that, (F/N) nodded and agreed to taking notes for us. 

With that, we started practice once again.

(Time Skip again because I'm lazy)

As soon as practice ended, (F/N) handed the notebook back to Shibayama and started to walk out of the gym. "(F/N)! HOLD ON A MINUTE!" I yelled out to her.

She turned around and we all walked up to her. 

"Since you've done what a manager does today, waddaya say you join us?" When I said that she sighed and shook her head. We all began to walk away at her response, but she said something that caught our interest.

"I'll do it if it means you'll stop nagging me about it."

Starting today, we had a manager

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Thanks for reading this chapter! I know I'm not the best writer, so if you have any suggestions I'll listen! Now that I'm done with exams, I'll update more.

I'm thinking my next book should be an Aoba Johsai one or a Fukurodani one, but I'm not sure.

Thanks again!


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