Chapter 25: Ramen Date

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(Yaku POV)

The nationals ended yesterday. We made it to the third round, Karasuno made it to the fourth, and Fukurodani made it to the finals where they barely lost.

As promised, as soon as the tournament ended, (F/N) and I went out for ramen. I told her I would pay, and I held up on that end of the bargain.

When we got to the ramen shop, we took our seats and ordered.

Without looking up from the menu, (F/N) asked me a question, "Do you want to talk about it? The game?"

I nodded, "Yeah, what about it?"

She replied, "You look a little down about it all, I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about it." I shook my head, "Yeah, it's a little upsetting that we lost. But, I'm glad we lost to Karasuno and not some other team. A-and I'm glad that Kuroo convinced you to be our manager. I don't know what would've happened if you had said no."

She laughed, gosh I love that laugh, "Yeah, we owe him, don't we?"

I nodded and smiled, "So did you decide on a career yet?" She grinned, "Yeah actually. After talking to Ennoshita, I decided that I'm going into physical therapy. Help people who weren't as fortunate as me in their recovery process. How about you?"

I looked up, "I think I'm going to be a cop. Put my 'mom senses' to good use. And, since Lev's been my punching dummy this year, I think I'll be able to handle any fights I get into. Daichi talked me into it, he said that's where he's going with his life."

Our food came, and we ate in silence. Until about half-way through our meal when (F/N) talked, "You think you'd ever want to settle down and have a family in the future? Buy a nice house in Tokyo, like where we live now, and just watch kids grow up? I know that's where I want my life to go."

I had a little more ramen before answering, "Maybe. I'd love to see some mini-me's running around in a backyard."

She mumbled something else, but I didn't hear her. She talked louder, her face growing redder and redder in the process, "Where are you going to university?"

I shrugged, "Tokyo University, you?"

She nodded, "That's where I'm going too. S-s-so would you l-like to l-live t-together while we're there?"

Welp, now my face is about as red as hers. I nodded, "Y-yeah. I'd like that."

We finished our ramen and went on a walk in the park, unsure of what to say next. I decided to break the silence, "Would you like to watch a movie at my place? I don't think anyone's home so we won't get picked on by my family."

She smiled, "Sure. I'd love to."

We sat down on a bench and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. I kissed her forehead, "You know, you're pretty cute."

She blushed, "Yeah, I know." She laughed, "But in all seriousness, do you actually want to live together in college?"

I nodded, "Would I ever lie to you?" "Well, I hope not." She replied. 

I laughed a little, "(F/N) I love you. Why would I ever for any reason lie to you? So, yeah. Let's live together in college."

She smiled and stood up from the bench, "Okay, good. Since we're on the same page, let's go and watch a movie."

We walked home, pointing out little things like flowers, or dogs walking past.

When we got to my house, I let her pick a movie. Unluckily for me, she picked the Notebook, which is known for being a really sad movie.

Just what I needed now, of all times. When we had lost my final volleyball game of high school.

She put the movie in, and I grabbed a blanket. We sat down together and I wrapped the blanket around both of us and grabbed her hand.

Half-way through the movie I could feel tears building up in the corners of my eyes, but I blinked them away. I don''t need her to be stressed about my issues.

That lasted until the end of the movie, when I felt a stream of tears running down my face.

She turned to me and gasped, "Oh my gosh, are you okay? I should've warned you-" I cut her off with a hug, "I-it's not that!"

She hugged me back almost instantly, "It's the game, isn't it?"

I buried my head in her shoulder, my tears soaking her shirt. "Y-y-yeah."

She began to stroke my head and my sobbing became so unbearable that I began to sob harder, which wasn't helping me out at all.

What did help me, however, were her words.

"Morisuke, I love you. I know you did your best, and that's all we could ask for. Your loss was just meant to be. You're strong, you can pick yourself back up, and everyone knows it. Don't you ever doubt that. And look, it's gorgeous out tonight."

I chuckled a little hearing that last part. After bawling my eyes out, (F/N) got up and grabbed me a water, saying, "You'll need this after crying that much."

I smiled, simply taking the water bottle from her.

(3rd Person POV)

The two third years continued to talk about various subjects.

Then, (F/N) changed the topic, "You know what Lev called us?"

Yaku shook his head, "No, why?"

The female looked up, "He called us Nekoma's Shorties."

Yaku cracked his knuckles, "I swear, the next time I see that kid, I'm pummeling him!"

(F/N) only laughed in response, but one thing was very, very clear.

Both of them were happy about the nickname, and about being with the other.

If they had the chance to change their past, to erase all events leading up to this point and time, they never would. Because they love their team, and more importantly, they love each other.

Nothing could change that.

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

Hey hey hey! 

I'm only writing an epilogue after thisಥ_ಥ

That makes me very, very sad. Anyways, I'll be posting the epilogue later tonight, so please check it out! Also, thank you for 2K reads since I have no idea if I thanked everyone already. This entire experience was wonderful because of all of you guys, and thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. I loved every ounce of the support throughout this book! I absolutely love this fandom with all my existence. 

Finally, Thank you for putting up with my spelling and grammar mistakes! I can't type for my life, like I will always manage to spell something wrong.

Thank you again!


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