15 - What We Came to Do

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"I wish this could have waited until morning." I grumbled as I jerked my sword belt to tighten it. I winced, loosening it quickly. Lucy laughed from beside me, tightening her own gear.

"I suppose we all just want it finished. Don't you want to help the Narnians as soon as possible?" I rolled my neck in exhaustion and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah of course. Besides," I looked out of the small window of Lucy's room. "It's pretty much morning anyway." Lucy looked as well and nodded as I yawned.

Gael spoke up from her quiet spot on the bed. "You're both so brave. I would never have the courage to fight as you two do."

Lucy and I smiled as we sat on each side of her. Lucy wrapped an arm around her shoulder while I clasped her hands on her lap.

"If you were any braver, you'd be a lioness." I said. Lucy's grin widened and she nodded.

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you two."

"When you grow up, you're going to be just like you." Lucy said. I smiled again and stood, walking over to a small desk in the corner. I picked up the object I had brought in here earlier.

"Lu," I said as I turned around. Lucy looked up from the bed, her eyes widening at the bow and quiver in my hands. I held them out to her as she walked to me. "You should use these, for whatever we're sailing into. I don't think your dagger will help you here."

"Those are Susan's." Lucy shook her head. I rolled my eyes.

"But Susan isn't here, Lu. You are, and you're the best person here to use them."

She shook her head again. "You're a higher queen than I am." I sighed and pushed them into her hands.

"Ranks mean nothing in battle, Lucy. What matters is in here," I pointed to her heart. "You're much braver than I am, and also much better with a bow. Besides, Susan is your sister. She would want you to use them, not me."

I put the quiver around her before she could further protest. When I had adjusted the straps to her size she pulled me into a hug, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Be careful, Macey. We've never fought something like this before." She mumbled. I laughed and leaned back.

"We've fought an Ice Queen and a Telmarine tyrant. I think we can handle a little fog." We laughed. I bit my lip and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, Lu. We'll be okay. We always are."

We pulled apart and I left the cabin as Lucy went back to Gael. I quickly climbed on deck, smiling and nodding at any crew members I passed. I was pulled into Caspian's chest the moment I stepped to his side.

"Be careful, Macey. Seriously. No playing hero at any cost." He mumbled into my hair. I rolled my eyes but hugged him back, smiling up at him when we pulled away.

"I see you've adopted Peter's speech." I teased. He grinned back and I elbowed him in the ribs gently. "I'll be careful, but I won't need to, under your leadership."

Caspian's grin fell. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly.

"I am worried your confidence is severely misplaced." He said back. I shook my head and held his arm.

"Cas, you are an amazing leader. You led a war before you were even king! You've led armies through much worse than evil mist and a murky island. I know that you'll make the right decisions and lead us well."

I stood on my tiptoes to wipe a tear from his cheek and leave a chaste kiss in its wake, grinning widely as he met my eyes. Caspian nodded and pulled me into him again. I felt his breathing calm against my chest and his back straighten. He left a kiss on my temple as we pulled away.

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